
Welcome to Hardin Baptist Church

We're glad you're here!


Sunday School  10:00

Morning Worship 11:00

Children's Church 11:00

Wednesday Night Kids and Teens 6:30

Mid-week Bible Study Wednesday 6:30


Keys to Revelation part 5

Chapters 18-22 overview. Millennial reign, final judgment, eternal state, and one last invitation. It's been a great series; hope you enjoy it! God Bless, ~Johnny





Sunday Worship: "God's Word of Guidance"

God's Word not only tells us how things are, but also shows us the way in real time. Here's how the Holy Spirit guides us. Special music by Edie J., and a baptism!





Keys to Revelation part 4: Chapters 13 thru 17

The Antichrist, the last seven plagues, and the fall of Babylon.





Sunday Worship: God's Word of Creation

God's Word determines what does and does not exist. If God said it, it cannot be otherwise. This is the foundation and strengthening of our faith. Special music by Tana P. Three come forward to join the Church, and we have a Baby Dedication. It's a good day at Hardin! God bless.





Keys to Revelation part 3, Chapters 10-12

A New Prophecy, the Two Witnesses, and Signs in the Heavens.





Sunday Worship: "Volunteer Appreciation Day"

Your service for the Lord through His Church is a great blessing to your fellow Christians, and to the Lord Himself. God Bless you! Special music by Dennis R.





HBC Update 9026024

HBC Update 9-26-24


“By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” (John 13:35)


What makes a Christian? What makes a good testimony of witness to the world? It isn’t the church attendance, giving, or the size of the Bible you carry. It isn’t the T-shirts and bumper stickers and posts on social media. Although these are all good things (except maybe that 20-pound Bible…), Christ says the Christianity that really shines through, that the Holy Spirit can use to point the world to your Savior, is when you treat your fellow believers with love.

Once again, the Law of Love is supreme.

What can you do this week to show the love of Jesus to your brothers and sisters in Christ?

God Bless, ~Bro. Johnny



Sunday is Volunteer Appreciation Day! Dear Church Family, Evelyn and I want to show our appreciation to all the wonderful Volunteers that make this Church “work”; you are awesome! We dedicate the to expressing our gratitude to you and to the Lord who gives us the honor of serving Him, and each other.

Please plan to join us for lunch at the Family Life Center (nothing fancy, just a get-together) after morning services this Sunday, September 29th.


Who qualifies as a “Volunteer”? Everyone who does anything around here. If you give, support, work, hold positions, donate stuff, pray… whatever and however you serve the Lord through Hardin Baptist Church, YOU are our honored and appreciated Volunteer. Thank You!



Portraits viewing with Colorcraft Photography will be Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 1-3, in the Special Courses Ladies’ Classroom (Miss Evelyn’s room). See Dennie for more information.


Please pray for our continuing search for a Youth and Children’s Pastor. The Lord knows who we need; He will provide.



Fall Fest is scheduled for Sunday, October 20th. Donations of individually wrapped candy and monetary donations are much appreciated.



Thanks again for all you do for the Lord through His Church! See ya Sunday.




Sunday School: 61

Adult Worship: 108

Children’s Church: 6 Children, 2 Workers

Wed. Nite Kids/Teens: 57 Kids, 20 Workers


Church Information:

Hardin Baptist Church

300 Todd Lynn Drive

White Hall, AR 71602

Office hours 9-5, Mon-Fri

Church Phone: (870) 380-0166

Church email: HardinBC@Outlook.com

Facebook: Hardin.Baptist

Church Website: www.HardinBaptistChurch.org

Pastor’s email: johnnyd.taylor@gmail.com




Keys to Revelation part 2, Chapters 6-9

For the peoples of the earth, spiritual salvation and physical martyrdom. For the 144,000 sealed Jews, salvation and protection. For the planet there is devastation on a cosmic scale, and for the unbelieving, there is still unrepentence, wickedness, and the wrath of God. Thank God, I plan to be with Jesus in Heaven. God bless, Johnny




Sunday Worship: "Restitution"

Doing the right thing as a Christian includes paying your debts, even the personal, and emotional ones. Who do you owe an apology to? Do you have the integrity to make things right? Special music by Edie J.





Keys to Understanding the Book of Revelation

Revelation makes a lot more sense when you understand a few simple keys. First in a video series.




Sunday Worship: "Forgiveness"

If you don't forgive them, God won't forgive you. This is the bondage of unforgiveness, but Christ would see you free. Special music by Tana P. God Bless



Sunday Worship: One Bread, One Cup, One Body of Christ

Christ taught and demonstrated the importance of unity and harmony in the Family of God, and the Body of Christ specifically. Taking the Lord's Supper is an act of unity. Special music by Bob M.





Sunday Worship: "Places You'll go AFTER You go to Heaven"

Going to Heaven is not the end, but the beginning. Here are seven incredible experiences that await you. God Bless, Johnny




Sunday Worship: "Character of Christ"

The Lord Jesus is our role model, and God wants to build His admirable character into all His beloved children. Here's how that works in your life. Special music by Edie J. God Bless, ~Johnny




HBC Update 8-23-24

HBC Update 8-23-24


But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. (Galatians 5:22-23)


The fruit of the Spirit is a partial list of the Character of Christ. They are aspects of the Lord Jesus, produced in the life of a Believer, by the work of the Holy Spirit.

   Take time to examine yourself and see how you measure up in these vital character traits. Are you more like Jesus in these areas than you used to be? Are you woefully lacking in some?

   The good news is that these characteristics are not yours to try to generate on your own; they are the fruit, the result, of the Lord at work in your heart.

   He wants to work together with you, inside you, to build you up more into the wonderful character of our dear Lord.

   Our job is to daily choose to let Christ be loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, self-controlled… in us.

God Bless, ~Bro. Johnny



School started last Monday. Continue to pray for our kids and Education Workers for another great and safe school year.



Wednesday Night Kids and Teens start back this Wednesday, August 28th, 6:30.



New Church Year begins September 1st. All Officers, Committees and others will begin their responsibilities at that time. THANK YOU to all our great Volunteers for your labor for the Lord. God Bless you, let’s have a great year for Christ and His Church!



NEW CHURCH DIRECTORY! Pictures will be taken September 13-15, Friday through Sunday. Sign up now! Sign-up sheets are in the foyer. Or contact the Church office or Christy Henslee.




Sunday School: 50

Adult Worship: 104

Wed. Nite Kids/Teens: Begins this week!


Church Information:

Hardin Baptist Church

300 Todd Lynn Drive

White Hall, AR 71602

Office hours 9-5, Mon-Fri

Church Phone: (870) 380-0166

Church email: HardinBC@Outlook.com

Facebook: Hardin.Baptist

Church Website: www.HardinBaptistChurch.org

Pastor’s email: johnnyd.taylor@gmail.com


Sunday Worship: "Education Appreciation"

God is big on education, and so should we be. God bless our Students and Educators. Special music by Heather S.



Sunday Worship: "Jesus Christ Our Hero"

He is our Ultimate Hero, our Savior, God, Role Model and Friend. Special music by Dennis R. ~God Bless





No Bus on Tuesday for Sr. Adult Revival

NOTICE: We will not run the Church bus to Humphrey for the Senior Adult Revival tomorrow. WE WILL run the bus on Wednesday to the Senior Adult Revival at the Harmony Baptist Association building. Bus leaves at 10:00 am Wednesday.

Sunday Worship: The Great Commission

Our Almighty Lord gave us a job of eternal importance in the Gospel, Baptism, and Discipleship. Are you doing your part? And the baptism of a dear husband and wife. A great day at Hardin BC. ~Johnny





Harmony Baptist Association Invites you to our Senior Adult Revival
August 5-7, 2024
Service Begin at 10:30 a. m. / Lunch served after service.
Monday, August 5, 2024 at Whispering Pines Cowboy Church
6912 Old Warren Road, Pine Bluff
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 at Humphrey Baptist Church
408 N. Division Street, Humphrey
Wednesday, August 7, 2024 at Harmony Baptist Association Office
8869 Highway 79 South, Pine Bluff
Speaker: Dubs Byers
Music: Allan McKinley

HBC Update 8-2-24

HBC Update 8-2-24


“Hot enough for ya?”

Everybody talks about the weather. Why? Because it is something that we all have in common. Whether you know the person to whom you are speaking or not, you can always count on weather to be a subject of common ground.

The Apostle Paul used the same tactic in his missionary efforts to plant churches.


For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more;… to those who are under the law, as under the law, that I might win those who are under the law; … to the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. (I Corinthians 9:19-22 selected)


So, we talk about the weather because we have it in common. Another thing we have in common with everyone is the love and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. Can we work that into the conversation? Can we bring up that God is still in charge of weather and that He is good to us?


You know the old sayings, “If you don’t like the weather just wait a little while… it’ll change!”

And “God is good, all the time!”




Senior Adult Revival is next Mon-Wed, August 5th-7th. Service Begin at 10:30 a. m. / Lunch served after service.

Monday, August 5, 2024, at Whispering Pines Cowboy Church, 6912 Old Warren Road, Pine Bluff

Tuesday, August 6, 2024, at Humphrey Baptist Church, 408 N. Division Street, Humphrey

Wednesday, August 7, 2024, at Harmony Baptist Association Office, 8869 Highway 79 South, Pine Bluff


Speaker: Dubs Byers. Music: Allan McKinley


HBC Bus will run each day. Meet at the Church house.

Bus: Monday and Wednesday, we’ll leave at 10:00.

Tuesday, we’ll leave at 9:30.



Church Camp was awesome! Forty-eight kids, nine adults. Ten or so salvations and some interest in baptism. All six vehicles made it there and back, with working A/C!

THANK YOU to all that helped send these precious souls to Camp.



VBS was also Awesome! We had around 100 each night including kids and workers. It was a great week, everything was a success, and the kids raised over 1,200 items of food for local children.

Thanks again to all who worked to make VBS such a success.



Annual Church Elections will be held next Wednesday, August 7th, 6:30 during the regular monthly business meeting. Let’s be ready for a great Church Year!



School starts (Students) Monday, August 19th. Pray for our kids and Education Workers for another great school year.



Wednesday Night Kids and Teens start back Wednesday, August 28th, 6:30.



NEW CHURCH DIRECTORY! Pictures will be taken September 13-15, Friday through Sunday. Stay tuned for more information coming soon.






Sunday School: 54

Adult Worship: 128

Children’s Church:  Kids,  Workers

Wed. Nite Kids/Teens: Out for the summer


Church Information:

Hardin Baptist Church

300 Todd Lynn Drive

White Hall, AR 71602

Office hours 9-5, Mon-Fri

Church Phone: (870) 380-0166

Church email: HardinBC@Outlook.com

Facebook: Hardin.Baptist

Church Website: www.HardinBaptistChurch.org

Pastor’s email: johnnyd.taylor@gmail.com


Sunday Worship: "Who Will Pray for Them?"

There are those in your world for whom nobody prays. God who has blessed you has called you to "stand in the gap" for their souls. Tag! Your turn. Special music by Bob M. God bless, ~Johnny




Sunday Worship: "Train Up a Child" (Audio Only)

The importance of Children's and Youth ministries, starting in the home, the Church as your partner, and that wayward child. (equipment issues, audio only. But hey, faith comes by hearing... God Bless, ~Johnny)




VBS 2024 - Mission Project

VBS 2024 - Mission Project

Transformation Project - Compassion in Action

Weekend Snack Bags for children


Transformation Project partners with the schools in our community to provide kids in need with food for the weekend. The bags contain 7 items ranging from breakfast and lunch to crackers and juice.

They are anticipating 90 students per week or 3,240 bags by the end of the school year.

Arkansas ranks 3rd in the nation for very low food security.

25% of Arkansas children have limited access to adequate food.


Basically, items that would be easy for a child to fix for themselves over the weekend, think Lunch Box food.  Nothing that must be refrigerated, requires a can opener or stove to fix. 


Suggestions: Fruit Cups, Mac N Cheese Cups, Ravioli cups, Vienna Sausage cans, individual bags of Chips or Cookies, Granola/Fruit Bars, Peanut Butter or Cheese Crackers, Juice Boxes or Pouches


Dannie O. is Team Blue and Anna C. is Team Yellow this year.  To help your team win, you will bring items to donate to the Weekend Snack Bags.   Let’s Go CHURCH!


Sandra Hatcher

Sympathy and prayers go out for the Hatcher and Workman families over the loss of Sandra. Please pray for them during this difficult time. Services will be at Hardin Baptist Church Monday, July 15th. Family visitation at 10:00 and Funeral at 11:00. For more information see the Benton Funeral Home website.



Sunday Worship: "Pay It Forward"

Paying it forward is to express grace to others as the Lord has done for us. He loved and blessed us without expecting anything in return. Special music by Edie J. God Bless, Johnny




VBS Memory Verse





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VBS July 21-25 Sun-Thu

Scan the QR Code to register online and get ready for a great VBS!



Sunday Worship: "Doubting Thomas" & Church Camp Commissioning

Doubting Thomas's issue was not lack of evidence, but lack of faith. How is your belief in the resurrected Savior? And our Commissioning Prayer for Church Camp. God Bless.





The New EMAIL ADDRESS for the Church is:


The old one will no longer work.

Sunday Worship: "Praying for Your Country" (Patriotic Day, 2024)

Why do we have a patriotic day at Church? Because a good Christian is a good citizen in both physical and spiritual realms. We pray for our country and leaders as the Word of God tells us. God bless, Johnny




Sunday Worship, Prayer, and Communion

Testimonies, praying for one another, and sharing the Lord's Supper. A sweet time or worship. Special music by Addy K. God bless, ~Johnny



Sunday Worship: "A Man's Responsibilities, Father's Day"

A godly, Christian man should develop the skills that align with the character of Christ, especially in love, leadership, and holiness. God Bless, Johnny




HBC Update 6-14-24

HBC Update 5-14-24


This Sunday is Father’s Day:

Happy Father’s Day! It is a great blessing to BE a father. “Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward… Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them…” Psalm 127:3&5

And to HAVE a Father like God. “Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God...” 1 John 3:1



Our Church Family has suffered much loss lately. Please be in prayer and support these dear families through these trying times:

Shirley Henslee, Rob Henslee and family for the loss of Bro. Ed.

Jeff Glover, Ashely, Emma and family for the loss of his mother, Charlotte Glover

Linda and Tom Connors for the loss of Linda’s father, Murel Norton

Joanette Allison, Monty and family for the loss of her mother, Peggy Horn



Senior Saint Game Day this Thursday, June 20th, 2:00-4:00 pm.  We will meet in the old Fellowship Hall. We’ll be playing dominoes, checkers or any game you might want to bring. Bring your own snack and drink. Come and join in on the fun! For more information contact Cookie Taylor or the Church Office.



Church Camp will be here before you know it! We’re sending three vans with 54 Campers and 8 Counsellors; a record number for our Church. We praise God for this opportunity to see our kids saved and strengthened in their faith. Please be in prayer for this important week.


CAMP MEETING, REQUIRED ATTENDANCE: Wednesday, June 19th. One parent/guardian per camper must attend! We’ll discuss rules, camp balances and any other information needed. For more information contact Heather Amerson.



VBS: Vacation Bible School is gearing up! Say “YES” to VBS! “Breaker Rock Beach: God’s Rock-Solid Truth in a World of Shifting Sands”. Sunday through Thursday, July 21-25, 6:00-8:00 pm.



Hope of the Delta’s annual Baby Bottle Offering will wrap up this Sunday (Mother’s Day through Father’s Day). Please be generous as the Lord leads.



Remember we still have Adult Bible Study and Prayer at 6:30. We just finished a fascinating study of the Tabernacle in the wilderness. Come join us for a mid-week recharge for your spiritual batteries!





Sunday School: 64

Adult Worship: 98

Children’s Church: 8 Kids, 2 Workers

Wed. Nite Kids/Teens: Out for the summer


Church Information:

Hardin Baptist Church

300 Todd Lynn Drive

White Hall, AR 71602

Office hours 9-5, Mon-Fri

Church Phone: (870) 380-0166

Church email: hardinbc@suddenlinkmail.com

Facebook: Hardin.Baptist

Church Website: www.HardinBaptistChurch.org

Pastor’s email: johnnyd.taylor@gmail.com  



Sunday Worship: The Unshakable Kingdom

In a world of change we thank God for what is unshakable. Special music by Edie J. ~God Bless, Johnny




Bro. Murel Norton

Our dear Bro. Murel went home to be with the Lord (and Miss Betty) on Sunday. He was a dear soul and an active Church Member and Deacon for as long as his health allowed. We will miss his dry sense of humor and sweet smile. Please pray for Linda Connors, Tom, and the rest of the family as they say goodbye to their patriarch. Funeral Services are: Visitation Friday morning 9:30 at Robinson's Chapel in Pine Bluff, funeral service at 10:30, and burial at Center Campground Cemetery. Full details and obituary can be found at www.robinsonfuller.com/obituaries



Sunday Worship: God of Heaven Consuming Fire

From the terror of God on Mount Sinai, to the glory of God in Heaven, we New Testament believers are given fantastic blessings. Oh, and... who do you have in Heaven?




HBC Update 5-31-24

HBC Update 5-31-24


I will arise and go to my father, and I will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son. Treat me as one of your hired servants.”’ And he arose and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him. ~Luke 15:18-20


The Old Testament gives way to the New Testament.

Law gives way to grace.

Justice gives way to mercy.

Everything gives way to Love.

This tender moment in the story of the Prodigal Son puts on poignant display the greatness of our Father’s love.

From the son’s perspective, he still thought he had to be “worthy” to be a child of his father. But since the day of his birth, he had been a beloved son of his father, whether or not he honored the father or the family name. I for one am glad that my position in the family of God among the beloveds of the Father does not depend on my performance. Who could live up to that?

And from the father’s perspective, the long-awaited and fervently prayed-for sight of his son brought overwhelming feelings not of anger or shame, but of great joy, thanksgiving, and deep relief; his son was alive, and HOME!

And that’s all that mattered. Everything gave way to Love.

Can you relate? I can.

But think about the weeks and years after the homecoming. Let’s assume this kid had learned his lesson, straightened up, and lived as he ought. Let’s assume he became a faithful helper to his dad.

Why would serve him? What was his motivation? Was he trying to pay back what he had wasted?

No. It was all his to waste, his inheritance… his lifetime inheritance.

There was no financial debt to work off. He could never earn that much again anyway.

He would serve his father for the same reason we serve our Heavenly Father…love.

Our debt is one of love. He has been so kind, so gracious, so loving and forgiving, so generous, gracious and accepting, so patient, that we are compelled to serve Him with all our being.

            We love Him, for loving us first.

            So, if you’re trying to good for God to earn brownie points, you’re wasting your time, and your life. Try living for the Lord out of love, gratitude, and sheer joy. You and He will be very glad you did.

God Bless

~Bro. Johnny



School is out for the summer. Please be careful out there and have a great time with the Lord.



Our dear Brother Ed Henslee had gone home to be with the Lord. He was always faithful to be “on patrol” during all our services, keeping watch over his people, and serving the Lord in that good manner. He will be very much missed. Pray for Miss Shirley and the family during this difficult time.




Our Annual Baby Bottle Offering for HOPE Women’s Resource Center began on Mother’s Day and ends on Father’s Day. Please take a bottle, fill it with coins, cash, and checks, and return it to the Church. Fill it as many times as you like! And especially pray for this life-saving ministry.



Congratulations again to our GRADUATING SENIORS:


Clayton Gorman (Cards/gifts can be mailed to: 3510 Whippoorwill Cove, White Hall, AR 71602)


Will Young (Cards/gifts can be mailed to: 2201 Andy Cove, Pine Bluff, AR 71602)


Aaron Gipson (Card/gifts can be mailed to: 1204 Kelly Court, Redfield, AR 72132)




Our Annual Classic and Antique Car Show was a success. Lots of cool autos, great snacks and baked goods, and we raised over $1,200 for Church Camp. Thanks again to all who made it a great day.




Vacation Bible School is gearing up! Say “YES” to VBS! “Breaker Rock Beach: God’s Rock-Solid Truth in a World of Shifting Sands”. Coming in July.




Sunday School: 64

Adult Worship: 89

Children’s Church: 10 Kids, 2 Workers

Wed. Nite Kids/Teens: Out for the summer


Church Information:

Hardin Baptist Church

300 Todd Lynn Drive

White Hall, AR 71602

Office hours 9-5, Mon-Fri

Church Phone: (870) 380-0166

Church email: hardinbc@suddenlinkmail.com

Facebook: Hardin.Baptist

Church Website: www.HardinBaptistChurch.org

Pastor’s email: johnnyd.taylor@gmail.com


Bro. Ed Henslee service

Our dear Brother Ed Henslee went home to be with the Lord last Friday, May 24, 2024. We will all miss him dearly as he was a faithful servant of the Lord and his Church. Please be in prayer for Miss Shirley, Rob and Christy, and the rest of the family.

Visitation will be held Wednesday, May 29, 2024 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. at Robinson & Fuller White Hall Chapel.



Sunday Worship: "To Love More than Life" Memorial Day weekend

Who would you die for? Who would you live for? Jesus loved you more than life. Can we be that kind of person with strong convictions? Happy Memorial Day, and God Bless. ~Johnny



Sunday Worship: "Students and Teachers"

Congratulations to our Graduates. May we all remember that our future includes plenty more learning, development of character, and service to others. And as always, living with Jesus as Lord. Special music by Addy K. God bless, ~Johnny




Sunday Worship: "A Mother's Hope"

Bathsheba shaped the character of young Solomon to be a king. She even had a pet name for him. Happy Mothers' Day. ~Johnny




HBC Update 5-10-24

Sunday Worship: "Jerusalem, City of the Great King"

The future of Jerusalem, capitol of the kingdom of Christ, and YOU. Music by Bro. Dennis.





Sunday Worship: "Jerusalem, Where God has Placed His Name"

God has chosen the temple mount in Jerusalem to be His "address" on earth. Down through the millennia, His plans for that have never changed. But there are greater truths at play here than just a piece of land; He includes you in His plans. God Bless, ~Johnny




HBC Update 4-26-24

HBC Update 4-26-24


“Give to everyone who asks of you. And from him who takes away your goods do not ask them back. And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise…But love your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High. For He is kind to the unthankful and evil.” (Luke 6 selected)


Charity, giving to meet the needs of others, is the hallmark expression of what it means to be a Christian; it is Christian love at its finest.

            I continue to be grateful and blessed by the generosity and care of our Church.

            Our recent Church-wide Yard Sale is a good example.

            We are thrilled to be sending 54 Campers and eight Counsellors to Camp Siloam this July (another record number!). An annual fundraiser is our yard sale, and this year’s “haul” was large as usual. Our people donated a gym full of everything imaginable for this worthy cause. Some individuals gave generous cash donations as well. And let’s not forget those who put in countless hours to prepare and operate it for those three days!

            I’m happy to report we made over $7,500!

            As you can imagine, that will help a lot of kids!

            But the story doesn’t end there.

            Once the sale ended, local Nursing Homes were invited to take whatever their Residents might need. As you may know, there are many residents in nursing homes who sadly have no one ever visiting them or providing for their personal needs. We’re happy to help.

            Next came “Common Ground Men’s Ministry” which helps provide clothing and personal items for men getting out of prison, to help them start rebuilding their lives. They too were blessed to just take what they needed for their ministry.

            Then “Cathy’s Closet” was invited to take whatever they could use in their resale shop. Proceeds go to support abused women.

            So not only our financial support and prayers are beneficial, but even our leftover-leftover-leftover stuff can be used for the blessing of those around us!

            God bless you again and thank you for finding creative ways to serve the Lord.



Senior Saints Trip: Thursday, May 2nd, Lunch at Leon’s Catfish. Bus leaves Church at 10:45. We need a head count by Tuesday, April 30th. Please call or text Cookie Taylor at 870.718-7233. Special is beef tips and rice, or you can order off the menu.



Annual Classic and Antique Car Show is scheduled for Saturday, May 18th. Always a good and enjoyable day.



Congratulations to our Graduating Seniors:

Clayton Gorman

Will Young

Aaron Gipson


Senior Recognition Day is Sunday, May 19th.



Vacation Bible School is gearing up! Say “YES” to VBS!

“Breaker Rock Beach: God’s Rock-Solid Truth in a World of Shifting Sands”

Coming in July




Sunday School: 65

Adult Worship: 113

Children’s Church: 13 Kids, 2 Workers

Wed. Nite Kids/Teens: 53, 21 workers

Offering: $3,298


Church Information:

Hardin Baptist Church

300 Todd Lynn Drive

White Hall, AR 71602

Office hours 9-5, Mon-Fri

Church Phone: (870) 380-0166

Church email: hardinbc@suddenlinkmail.com

Facebook: Hardin.Baptist

Church Website: www.HardinBaptistChurch.org

Pastor’s email: johnnyd.taylor@gmail.com


Sunday Worship: Seek First the Kingdom of GOD, part 2

Life's priorities are to be under the Lordship of Christ. Here are three ways to seek the Kingdom of God. God Bless, ~Johnny




Sunday Worship: Seek First the Kingdom of GOD

Worry and fear are to be replaced with faith in a Christian's life. Easier said than done. But the Lord's gifts of faith, hope, love, joy, and peace are still ours. Special music by Ernie M. and Dennis R. God bless.




Sunday Worship: "The Eclipse"

Tomorrow's solar eclipse will be a spectacular display of the genius and joy of our great God and Creator. Here is how it works, what it means, and how to enjoy it. God Bless, ~Johnny




Sunday Worship: "It is Finished"

Under the twin burdens of the sins of mankind and the wrath of God, the crucified Savior would win the ultimate victory against evil. Special music by Edi J. God Bless, and Happy Resurrection Day! ~Johnny




Good Friday? The Darkest of Days

Jesus Christ, Son of God, hung from a cross in total darkness so that…
…He, by the grace of God, might taste death for everyone. (Hebrews 2:9)
Though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered. (Hebrews 5:8)
Christ being God, had always known what our redemption would cost Him, but nothing else was equal to the actual experience of becoming sin.
And nothing could move more quickly nor spread death more completely than the poison of sin that lay in the dregs of the Cup.
As had happened to the first Adam, so it was happening exponentially to the last Adam.
A cold knot of fear writhed in His stomach as shock waves of pain shot through His entire being. His heart labored anew as the rest of His physical strength drained from His muscles. His very brain, awash in sin, was reduced to a shadow of its former self. Every cell of His body weakened and aged.
Maintaining physical life suddenly required enormous effort, and His body moaned and groaned as if in endless labor. His bones and joints weakened, His stomach cramped, and His breath grew even more labored. Every fiber of His being began to die.
Suddenly He felt very old.
The Lord’s heart and mind fared worse than His body. His heart was broken, and His mind plummeted. What was once filled with purity and innocence was now filled with guilt and shame. His joy, once shining as the sun, was turned to sorrow and despair. His godliness was consumed by vile lust as thoughts He had never experienced raced through His fallen mind. Light that had once flooded His soul was turned to darkness, and unspeakable fear gripped His heart.
I am poured out like water, and all My bones are out of joint; My heart is like wax; it has melted within Me. My strength is dried up like a potsherd, and My tongue clings to My jaws; You have brought Me to the dust of death. (Psalm 22:14-15)
Worse still was the effect of sin on His Spirit; it died instantly.
The separation that is death dropped Him in His spiritual tracks like an amputated limb falls to the ground.
The innocence and purity that had been His holiness were anihilated, and the light of His Spirit was snuffed out and replaced with abject darkness. Righteousness that had clothed Him was stripped away, leaving Him naked and ashamed. The freedom He had enjoyed for all His previous eternal existence was snatched away and replaced with the cruel clamping of shackles of sin and chains of condemnation.
The image of God that resided in the depths of Christ Jesus was marred beyond recognition, and He lost His divine nature to become a snake of sin.
He exchanged beauty for ashes, joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, laughter for sorrow, and hope for despair. The purest, most holy, innocent, noble heart that had ever beaten had now been crushed, abused, tortured, blasphemed, defecated upon, and turned black with our depravity.
Still, the worst was yet to come.
Before the beginning of time, for all eternity past, there had existed between the Father and the Son a perfect unity and fellowship.
I and My Father are one. (John 10:30)
Their mutual love, affection, and harmony of heart were as infinite as any of the other attributes of God.
For the Father loves the Son… (John 5:20)
…I love the Father… (John 14:31)
But the foul thing that Christ had become on the cross had nothing in common with the Holy Father. There was no place for such an abomination at the Father’s side, much less in His heart. This locus of sin would be shunned from the very gaze of Holy God.
You are of purer eyes than to behold evil, and cannot look on wickedness… (Habakkuk 1:13)
The Son who had been pronounced “beloved” by His Father must now experience the other side of God: Holy wrath.
The weight of the glory of God slammed Christ flat against the cross and pinned Him there in ways the nails could never do. Terrified and frozen by the awe and glory of the Infinite, He was unable to do so much as tremble.
Tried in Heaven’s Court in an instant, the wickedness that was the sin He had become flooded His fallen heart, engulfing Him in an inky ocean of vileness and filth. His guilt and humiliation were made clear to all, displayed blatantly and vulgarly in the Light of God’s holiness.
He heard the verdict and His sentence roll down from the Judge of all.
“All that has been done to others is now done to You.”
“Defiled, wounded, destroyed, broken, without light, without glory, without life, alienated and separated from all that is Holy, afire in excruciating pain and despair, You are now consumed.”
In an instant, His Spirit was stripped of everything. All was taken, torn away, burned off until He was reduced to nothing but a pathetic lump of sin and shame, writhing in pain.
As though in a nightmare, He looked around and saw all creation staring at Him in stunned silence and horror. He heard the deafening Voice pronounce a word against Him, “Banished!”
Then He felt His very soul wrenched from within Him in the crushing grip of the wrath of God and thrown as refuse from the Presence of Holiness. Down He hurled into outer darkness. Down He tumbled through unspeakable blackness. As He fell beyond the sight of Heaven, there was burned into His heart one last terrifying image: the piercing gaze of His Father, a look of disgust and condemnation on His Face.
Christ was utterly abandoned, banished, and forsaken. The isolation that was the original and ultimate malady of God became the ultimate punishment for sin, and the ultimate price that Christ must pay.
So for the first time, the divine Fellowship was broken, the unity and communion He had forever enjoyed with the Father were cut off. For the first time in His eternal existence, Jesus Christ was totally, infinitely alone.
Wood creaks, tendons pop, raspy lungs strain for breath, and He speaks yet again. Listen now to the most desperate, heart-rending words ever uttered.
…Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “…My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” (Mark 15:34)
Out of sight, out of hearing, out of strength, stretched on a cruel cross driven into the skull of a godforsaken hill, the Lamb of God struggled mightily under the load of sin, punishment, and abandonment.
Hated by man, tortured by Satan, and condemned by God, He willingly laid down all that was left of His heart. And so He drained to the last dreg and drop that horrific Cup, and threw it empty aside!
Reproach has broken My heart, and I am full of heaviness; I looked for someone to take pity, but there was none; and for comforters, but I found none. (Psalm 69:20)
How great is the heart of Christ? How great then must have been His heartbreak. Abandoned and alone in physical and spiritual darkness, He searched for someone, anyone, to show the slightest hint of pity, to give Him just a touch of comfort. But there was none.
Hell was rejoicing at His demise.
Earth’s inhabitants were unwilling and unable to offer Him anything but a reason to suffer.
Heaven’s Gates were slammed shut.
Christ’s existence was reduced to hopelessness and despair. An eternity of fear flooded His entire being and set His body to trembling, a prelude to the death rattle.
His broken heart was terrified at the sight of the gaping maw of death. Like a serpent, it was engulfing Him wholly, and His Spirit wailed in horror as He experienced firsthand what it means to be infinitely lost, completely alone, and utterly fallen.
My heart is severely pained within Me, and the terrors of death have fallen upon Me. Fearfulness and trembling have come upon Me, and horror has overwhelmed Me. (Psalm 55:4-5)
It took an enormous amount of effort for Him to drink the Cup to its bitter end, and it took a lot more for Him to completely pour out the ocean of God’s love. But when His heart broke on the cross of Calvary, it unleashed the torrent of Grace that would flood the hearts and souls of mankind.
It was a long, long fall for the Lord Jesus Christ. He Who was once Everything had become nothing. And the fall He took for us left Him dead in every possible way.
Why would He be willing to freely lay down His life to such an awful degree?
Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain. (John 12:24)
(from “For the Love of God: His Heart, Our Purpose” by Johnny D. Taylor)

Sunday Worship: "The Crucifixion of Christ"

The Lord Jesus Christ endured the worst possible physical suffering when He was scourged and crucified. In the eyes of God who held the hammer?




Sunday Worship: "Sifted, Peter's Darkest Day"

When Peter denied the Lord he broke his own heart, but it was for our sorrows as well as our sins the Lord would die. God bless



HBC Update 3-15-24

HBC Update 3-15-24


“Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.” (John 12:24)


Spring is here, a season of birth, new life, and the transformation of resurrection. Animals of all kinds will bear young and lay eggs. Plants will sprout new growth from old roots and leaves from barren limbs. And in the cold ground, humble seeds that have lain dormant for months will transform into something same but completely different as seed becomes root, shoot, and fruit.


Our Almighty Creator has filled the natural world with the proclamation and glory of His Nature as God of Life. We have not only the evidence of God, but the experience of Him as well, for you too have been created, sustained, and blessed all the days of your life.


As a Christian Believer, you have experienced in your spirit the same resurrection from the dead that Jesus Christ experienced on Resurrection Sunday. You have been born into the Family of God, have had new life given to you in your heart and soul, and been given eternal, everlasting life in Christ.


And even after the long winter of Death has claimed our mortal bodies, even our bodies remain as seeds, waiting on the Day of His glorious return when the humble seeds of our death are transformed into something same, but gloriously different.


Dear soul, live the life your Almighty God gives you each day! Make the most of every breath, for every breath is the gift of your God of Life.


And may we look forward to the Day that ushers in the Eternal Spring in His blessed Presence.


God Bless,

~Bro. Johnny



CALENDAR for the rest of March:

18th-22nd : Spring Break

20th: No Wednesday Nite Kids/Teens, or Adult Services.

30th: Annual Easter Egg Hunt at Gene Stewart Memorial Field, 11:00.

31st: Easter Sunrise Service at 7:00, FLC. Sunday School 10:00, Worship 11:00.



NEW MEMBERS: We are happy to welcome these new members to our Church Family:

Dennis Reaves

Sherry Smith



Annie Armstrong Prayer and Offering for North American Missions continues all month. Please be faithful to pray, and generous in your given as the Lord leads. Remember how blessed you were to have a Gospel presence in your community.




Sunday School: 64

Adult Worship: 100

Children’s Church: 8 Kids, 2 Workers

Wed. Nite Kids/Teens: 41, 20 workers

Offering: $3,963


Church Information:

Hardin Baptist Church

300 Todd Lynn Drive

White Hall, AR 71602

Office hours 9-5, Mon-Fri

Church Phone: (870) 380-0166

Church email: hardinbc@suddenlinkmail.com

Facebook: Hardin.Baptist

Church Website: www.HardinBaptistChurch.org

Pastor’s email: johnnyd.taylor@gmail.com


Sunday Worship: "Gethsemane"

Sunday Worship: Gethsemane: The Cup of Cursing, the King of Glory, and the Ransom of Mankind. Special music by Bro. Dennis R. God Bless




Sunday Worship: "King of Lambs"

On the day the Lord Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey as the King of Peace, the men in Jerusalem were choosing their Passover lamb. We choose our own lamb and king: Lamb of God, and King of Kings. God bless



Sunday Worship: "Spread Too Thin"

Staying too busy leads to exhaustion, but the Lord has a better plan for our time. God Bless




Sunday Worship: "Love Never Fails"

The reason for everything is the Love of God. Our whole purpose in life as Christians is to love and serve God and our fellow man.




Sunday Worship: "Saved by Mercy"

Only by the Cross of the Lord Jesus Christ can we become Children of God. After that, living the Christian life is the most natural thing in the world. How would you grade yourself in your Christian character?



Sunday Worship: New Wine with Christ

The Lord's Supper not only memorializes the death of Christ on the cross, but carries a promise for our future. God bless



HBC Update 2-2-24

HBC Update 2-2-24


“By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." (John 13:35)


February is a month to express our love and appreciation to those dearest to us, and to all the people the Lord of love has placed in our lives.

This principle of loving your neighbor as yourself (the 2nd greatest Commandment according to Jesus) is so important that Jesus said it is the single most obvious characteristic of being a disciple of Christ. He reminds us that the world doesn’t measure our “religion” by our dedication to religious activities such as Church attendance, or how loudly we proclaim our devotion to God. Remember the unbelieving world is by nature selfish. They don’t care if we love our God or not; they care about whether or not we love them.

Here's at test for us:

If the Lord asked all the people you know to “grade” your Christianity, what grade would they give you?

And more to the point of this verse of Scripture, how would your fellow Christians score your dedication to Jesus as measured by how much they believe that you love them?

Wouldn’t it be great to make “all A’s”?

God Bless,

~Bro. Johnny




We have a great staff and want to be a blessing to them. Please express your appreciation through kind words, cards, and love offerings. You can designate your offering for “Staff” and give it in the usual ways. Money will be divided equally between our four hired staff positions. Please be generous and give as the Lord leads.

Our Hired Staff are:

Lisa Silvey, Church Secretary

Ernie Medlin, Worship Leader

Doris and Eugene Sullivan, Church Custodians

Dennie Lawson, Family Life Center Custodian



We will observe the Lord’s supper this Sunday. Please plan to attend with your heart open and ready to receive the Lord’s blessing.




Our annual Valentine Banquet will be Saturday, February 17th, at 6:00 PM.

Catering is by KING KAT.

Catfish, chicken, fixin’s, teas, and cookies. Carry-outs available.

A Dessert Auction will be held as a fundraiser for Church Camp 2024

“Decorate Your Own Table” Contest

FOOD, FUN, and ENTERTAINMENT (Dinner and a “Show”!)

Ticket Prices: Adults- $20, Children age 6-11- $12, Under 6- Free

Contact Dennie @ 870.692-2556, Church Office @ 870.380-0166





Sunday School: 70

Adult Worship: 105

Children’s Church:  Kids,  Workers

Wed. Nite Kids/Teens: 49, 23 workers

Offering: $4,934


Church Information:

Hardin Baptist Church

300 Todd Lynn Drive

White Hall, AR 71602

Office hours 9-5, Mon-Fri

Church Phone: (870) 380-0166

Church email: hardinbc@suddenlinkmail.com

Facebook: Hardin.Baptist

Church Website: www.HardinBaptistChurch.org

Pastor’s email: johnnyd.taylor@gmail.com




Sunday Worship: Sanctity of Human Life

Human life is sacred, bearing the image of God. Here is what that means and how we are to respond. Guest speaker April R. from "Hope of the Delta". God Bless. ~Johnny




Judy Armstron Services

Our dear Sister Judy Armstrong has gone home to be with the Lord. Her sweet spirit and jolly laugh will be missed until we see her again in God's good Heaven.

Memorial Service will be held Wednesday, Jan 31st at 11:30 am.

Please continue to pray for the family.

(In her pre-arrangements she asked that dress be "casual", to make it easy on all the ladies.)

For more information go to Robinson/Fuller obituary page.



Sunday Worship: "Revival 4: Glory of the Father, Character of Christ, Work of the Spirit"

How your relationship with the TriUne God works, and your struggle with "self".



HBC Update 1-19-24

HBC Update 1-19-24


He gives snow like wool; he scatters frost like ashes. He hurls down his crystals of ice like crumbs; who can stand before his cold? He sends out his word, and melts them; he makes his wind blow and the waters flow. (Psalm 147:16-18)


What some weather we’ve been having!


Sometimes it seems like the world is just out of control and chaos reigns, but that isn’t the truth. The truth is that our great and loving God Almighty is still in absolute control of all things. And aren’t you glad? How much worse could it be if mankind was put in charge of the weather? I’ll just stick with God if you don’t mind!


Remember He is also in control of everything else in your life and world, and while things aren’t always pleasant, they are still under control… His control.


This is our faith. This is what we believe about ourselves, our God, and our world. And this is what warms our spirits, no matter the weather outside.



Walking Taco lunch is this Sunday after Church services. Proceeds go to “Radiant Girls Retreat”.



Our annual Valentine Banquet is set for Saturday, February 17th. Tickets will be on sale soon. Plan now to attend.



Congratulations to Airel and Haley Baggett on the birth of their healthy baby boy, Judah.



Sanctity of Human Life Day will be January 28th. We’ll have a representative from HOPE of the Delta there to give us a short report on the Lord’s blessings on this great ministry.




Sunday School:

Adult Worship: 86

Children’s Church: 9 Kids, 2 Workers

Wed. Nite Kids/Teens: Cancelled due to weather

Offering: $5,384


Church Information:

Hardin Baptist Church

300 Todd Lynn Drive

White Hall, AR 71602


Office hours 9-5, Mon-Fri




Church Office will be open again tomorrow (Friday) 9-5.


Wednesday Night canceled this week due to ice

Wednesday Night services are canceled for tomorrow night (1-17-24) due to ice. Be safe! See ya Sunday.


Sunday Morning Revival part 3: "God's Recipe for Revival"

In 2 Chronicles 7:14, the Lord gives us the four steps to a greater sense of His Presence in our lives. God Bless





Inclement Weather Policy: If Church Service is canceled due to weather, the decision will be made by 7:30 on Sunday morning, and by 4:00 on Wednesday afternoon.


Sunday Morning Worship, "Revival 2: Seeking the Lord"

The Lord promises that when we seek Him with our whole heart, we find Him. and is it not His Presence and power that we most need in our lives? Here's when and how to seek the Lord. God Bless.




Sunday Morning: "Revive Us Again"

Our greatest need is for true revival. Here is what revival ISN'T, what it means, and why we need it so desperately. God bless



Sunday Morning: "Christmas Promise"

The real meaning of Christmas, that for us a Savior is born. Special music by Alyssa A., Tana P., Addison K., and Edie J. Merry Christmas from your Church Family at Hardin Baptist.




HBC Update 12-22-23

HBC Update 12-22-23


…behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins." So all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying: "Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel," which is translated, "God with us." (Matthew 1:20-23)


“Jesus”, Jehovah Saves.

“Immanuel”, God with us.

“Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace…”

The names and titles of our Lord go on and on, each one giving us insight into the nature and work of the Lord Jesus Christ.

But the simple, bottom line is this: God comes to earth to be with us, so we can go to Heaven and be with Him.

The Christmas message is that God Almighty has bridged the gap between Heaven and Earth, between God and mankind, between Righteousness and sin.

And so we sing with the angels, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth, peace, goodwill toward men!”


Merry Christmas




Church Office will be closed Tuesday, Dec 26th for the Christmas Holiday



No Wednesday Night services Dec. 27th and Jan 3rd due to the Holidays.



No Children’s Church Dec. 24th or Dec 31st. Kids will be in “Big Church” with us.



Lottie Moon month: December is our special emphasis month for foreign missions. Our annual Lottie Moon Christmas Missions Offering is money designated to go 100% to support of our foreign missions efforts. Please be prayerful and generous as we do what we can to reach the almost half the world’s population that still haven’t heard the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.



Our Teens and Kids raised and donated gift bags to the residents of the White Hall nursing home. We’re proud of our kids’ learning to serve, and of our great volunteers who work so hard to minister to our teens and children.




Sunday School: 66

Adult Worship: 116

Children’s Church: 13 Kids, 2 Workers

Wed. Nite Kids/Teens: 64 Kids and Youth, 27 Workers

Offering: $5,605.


Church Information:

Hardin Baptist Church

300 Todd Lynn Drive

White Hall, AR 71602


Office hours 9-5, Mon-Fri

Church Phone: (870) 380-0166

Church email: hardinbc@suddenlinkmail.com

Facebook: Hardin.Baptist

Church Website: www.HardinBaptistChurch.org

Pastor’s email: johnnyd.taylor@gmail.com


Sunday Morning: "When the Son Left Home"

What was the Lord Jesus like one year before He was born in Bethlehem? Here is a different look at what our Savior gave up to come to earth for us.



Sunday Morning, "Still God Almighty"

Sunday Worship and message, Jesus Christ the same, yesterday, today, and forever. Trust Him; He never changes.




HBC Update 12-8-23

HBC Update 12-8-23


Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” ~Matthew 2:1-2


The Wise Men from the east were probably rich, highly educated, important men from as far away as Babylon where a large Jewish population lived and worshipped. The Bible doesn’t say how many of them there were, just that there were more than one. There could have been dozens.


The journey by camel caravan from Babylon to Jerusalem was over 900 miles and would take them weeks if not months. And since the pathway no doubt had many dangers, including bands of robbers, they would need a small army to travel with them and protect them, especially with the large amount of wealth they carried.


No wonder Jerusalem was all astir at their arrival! What a spectacle they would have presented.


But the point is that months or even years earlier they would have studied the stars and ancient prophecies Upon discovering the Star they would have come to an astounding conclusion, then planned and made great preparation for a once in a lifetime journey. Then they would have made the long and dangerous trek across Arabia, arrived in Jerusalem, then at Bethlehem, and found the young child at just the right time for Joseph and Mary. Then they would worship HIM, and give great and expensive gifts to the Christ child. (Matthew 2:1-11)


Now, God has also made infinite plans and preparations, both then and now. He too approaches our lives and circumstances, bearing great and expensive gifts.


And like always, He is never late, but exactly on time.


What He has promised, He will deliver on. In fact, the answers, deliverance, provision, and all the rest of the graces and mercies of God are on their way already, and will arrive in our lives and world just exactly when He has determined. Right on time.


Trust Him. He is still Almighty, still Loving Lord, still God, and still in absolute control.



Senior Saints Cocoa and Christmas Lights Tour is this Sunday. Be at the Church at 5:00 for hot cocoa, then we’ll go see some lights!

If you need a ride to the Church, give us a call, we’ll be glad to pick you up before 5:00, and drop you off at home after the lights tour.

Just call Cookie Taylor at 870.718-7233 for a ride!



We are blessed to have several new Members as of late. Be sure to welcome them to our Church Family when you see them.


David and Alison Brewer, and daughters Kathryn and Olivia

Tarah Lofton and her son Jason

Will Smith, son of Mike and Heather Smith

Shelby and Deborah Andre



The Wednesday Night kids and teens have collected supplies for the local Nursing Home, and made them handmade Christmas cards. They will deliver it all during their Christmas break.

Thank you to all to helped provide the items for the gift bags. The Residents will be so excited to receive such a special gift from our kids.



Kids’ Christmas party will be on Wednesday, the 20th, and will include a visit from Santa.



We finally got our new fiber internet and phone system installed and activated!

New Phone Number for the Church: (870) 380-0166




Sunday School: 75

Adult Worship: 138

Children’s Church: 14 Kids, 3 Workers

Wed. Nite Kids/Teens: 71 Kids and Youth, 22 Workers

Offering: $8,376.19


Church Information:

Hardin Baptist Church

300 Todd Lynn Drive

White Hall, AR 71602


Office hours 9-5, Mon-Fri

Church Phone: (870) 380-0166

Church email: hardinbc@suddenlinkmail.com

Facebook: Hardin.Baptist

Church Website: www.HardinBaptistChurch.org

Pastor’s email: johnnyd.taylor@gmail.com


Sunday Morning: "Give Yourself", New Members and Two Baptisms

'Tis the season of giving, but give yourself first to the Lord, then to love for others, and for your own improvement in Christlikeness. Also we recieved two new members, and were blessed to baptize two of our teenagers. Good Day at Hardin!




Sunday Morning Worship and Message: "Always Thankful"

Giving thanks to the Lord is the pathway to joy, and is in itself a gift from God. Here's how to practice the art of unconditional thanksgiving.




Sunday Morning Worship: "Thanksgiving and Lord's Supper"A time of thanksgiving, a message on the Lord's transition from Passover to Communion, and observing the Lord's Supper.

A time of thanksgiving, a message on the Lord's transition from Passover to Communion, and observing the Lord's Supper.



Lord's Supper and Thanksgiving Fellowship

This Sunday we will enjoy two special meals:

Lord’s Supper: We will observe the Lord’s Supper during the morning worship time.

Thanksgiving “Friendsgiving” Meal for lunch after worship. Church provides the meat and drinks, please bring your favorite sides, desserts, and some friends!

PS: bringing a side dish is not required; bringing YOU is! See you there.


Sunday Morning Worship: "It's All in the Cross part 2: For Him"

Sunday morning worship and message, "It's all in the Cross 2: For Him". Here is what it took for Jesus Christ to become King of kings and Lord of lords.




HBC Udate 11-10-23

HBC Update 11-10-23


…in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. ~1 Thess 5:18


Thanksgiving is more than a holiday; it is a way of life for the Believer, and even a commandment from our Lord.

And don’t we have so very, very much to thank Him for? Has He not been good to us, blessed us more than we deserve? Kept all His promises? Heard our prayers? Benn gracious and merciful to us on our worst days as well as our best?

Then give Him your attention, and say a prayer of thanksgiving. It’ll bless His heart and yours.



Veterans Day is Saturday, Nov 11th. We thank God for our Veterans, their sacrifice, patriotism, and service to our great country. As the old saying is, “If you like your freedom, thank a Vet!” Be sure to also pray for our veterans, military, and our country.



Sunday Nov 12: Spaghetti Lunch Fundraiser for Church Camp. Immediately following Worship service. Please plan to attend.



Sunday Nov 19: Lord’s Supper during Worship

Thanksgiving fellowship meal after service. Please bring your favorite side dish. The Church will provide the meat and drinks. Bring a friend, and enjoy good food and good fellowship.

Plan to attend even if you don’t bring a side dish. There will be plenty.



Wed Nov 22: No services due to Thanksgiving.



Sun Dec 3: Baby shower for Airel and Hallie Baggett (it’s a boy!)



Sun Dec 10: Senior Saints Church Bus tour of Christmas Lights. Let us know if you need a ride. We’ll pick you up so you don’t have to drive at night. How about some hot cocoa at the Church, then Bro. Johnny will drive the bus and see the holiday lights.



Prayer Needs: We still need a Youth Minister. Our Wednesday Night Kids and Teens has grown huge. We have the best volunteers in the world, but it’s a big job. May the Lord send us the right young man to be a Youth Pastor to these precious kids.

Last Wednesday we had sixty-four kids! And our High School class is very large. I think they had twenty-nine teens in that class alone!

“Lord, send us more help!”



THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH for the outpouring of love and support for Pastor Appreciation Month. Your generosity and love are great blessings and encouragement for Miss
Evelyn and I. We love and appreciate you everyone. God Bless. ~Bro. Johnny




Sunday School: 68

Adult Worship: 122

Children’s Church: 9 Kids, 2 Workers

Wed. Nite Kids/Teens: 69 Kids and Youth, 24 Workers

Offering: $6,095


Church Information:

Hardin Baptist Church

300 Todd Lynn Drive

White Hall, AR 71602


Office hours 9-5, Mon-Fri

Church email: hardinbc@suddenlinkmail.com

Facebook: Hardin.Baptist

Church Website: www.HardinBaptistChurch.org

Pastor’s email: johnnyd.taylor@gmail.com



Sunday Worship, "It's All in the Cross part 1: "For Us"

Sunday morning worship and message, "It's all in the Cross, part 1: For Us"




Sunday Morning Worship and Message: "Daniel and the Lions' Den"

Message: Daniel and the Lion's Den-- God takes care of the Faithful And Baptism of two fine young men. A good day at Hardin! God Bless .



HBC Update 10-27-23

HBC Update 10-27-23


People are complicated.

A lot of people have a lot of issues, problems, struggles, and bad thinking.

Here’s the oversimplified solution:

Get a big ole dose of Jesus, and it’s amazing how much the other stuff sorts itself out.



Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. ~2 Corinthians 5:17



Short and sweet report today:

The Church is doing well. Attendance is up. Money is up. Morale is up.

Looking forward to baptizing two fine boys this coming Sunday. Don’t miss it!

It’ll also be a 5th Sunday so the Children’s Church kids get to be with us in “big church”.



Fall Fest was a great success with lots of people, visitors, cute kids, games, fun, and our Church put our best foot forward for our community. To all who helped, THANK YOU!



Prayer Needs: We need a Youth Minister. Our Wednesday Night Kids and Teens has grown huge. We have the best volunteers in the world, but it’s a big job. May the Lord send us the right young man to be a Youth Pastor to these precious kids.

Last Wednesday we had sixty-four kids! And our High School class is very large. I think they had twenty-nine teens in that class alone!

“Lord, send us more help!”



Pastor Appreciation Month: October is Pastor Appreciation month. We are taking up a love offering for Bro. Johny and Ms. Evelyn. We appreciate everything you do for our Church! If you would like to give an offering, there is an envelope in the bulletin. Write Pastor on the front and place it in one of the offering plates. You can also give online through the Church website.



ALL COMMITTEES: If you have not done so, please meet, elect a chairperson, and complete your Committee Form (see Lisa if you don’t have one). This is important! Thanks!



Rada Fundraiser: We are having a Rada fundraiser to help the Youth for camp. Please see Dennie Lawson for a book and order information.




Sunday School: 65

Adult Worship: 95

Children’s Church: 9 Kids, 2 Workers

Wed. Nite Kids/Teens: 64 Kids and Youth, 21 Workers

Offering: $5,304.89


Church Information:

Hardin Baptist Church

300 Todd Lynn Drive

White Hall, AR 71602


Office hours 9-5, Mon-Fri

Church email: hardinbc@suddenlinkmail.com

Facebook: Hardin.Baptist

Church Website: www.HardinBaptistChurch.org

Pastor’s email: johnnyd.taylor@gmail.com


Sunday Morning Worship and Message: "Bruised Reeds and Smoking Flax"

Sunday morning worship and message, "Bruised Reeds and Smoking Flax", how Christ encourages the burdened and empowers the zealous. God Bless



JC Rasor Funeral

J. C. Rasor went home to be with the Lord Tuesday, Oct 17th. Funeral service will be graveside, Methodist Cemetery in White Hall, at 2:00 PM. For more information see Robinson and Fuller website. Please pray for the family during this difficult time.



Sunday Morning Worship and Message: "When Jesus Comes Back"

Sunday morning worship and message, "When Jesus Comes Back", Revelation 19:11-20:6 God Bless




Fall Festival


Saturday, Oct. 21, 5-7 pm

Hardin Baptist Church Family Life Center

300 Todd Lynn Drive

White Hall, AR 71602

Candy, Prizes, Games, Food, Cupcake Walk and more!!!

Bring a decorated Pumpkin to enter the Pumpkin Contest and make sure to dress in your best Costume (not scary) to enter the Costume contest (prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place)

Contact Lisa White at 870-718-9782 or Shelly Davis at 870 692-7282


Pastor Appreciation Month

Pastor Appreciation month


HBC Update 10-123

HBC Update 10-11-23


…for the people had a mind to work. (Nehemiah 4:6)


The work of the Kingdom of God and our Church only moves forward by the faithful service and labor of the Lord’s people. In the bible, whether it was Nehemiah rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, Joshua conquering the Promised Land, or New Testament Churches supporting the Apostle Paul’s missionary journeys, the Lord has always provided warm hearts, willing hands, and all necessary resources through His people’s willingness and abilities to serve.


Lately I’ve been blessed to learn that we have several in our congregation who have a strong desire to do more for the Lord by working more in the ministries of Hardin Baptist Church. Now that’s a blessing!


Please pray for us as we strive to get better at discovering and plugging people into their God-given roles; it’s more complicated than you’d think!


Also remember that the Lord has a place of ministry and service for every single one of His people, so if you haven’t found yours yet, let’s work on it together.


Lastly, THANK YOU to all who work so faithfully in our Church. Be assured that Jesus knows your labor of love, and that we appreciate you. We couldn’t do it without you.

God Bless,

Bro. Johnny



Our Dixie Jackson Offering for Arkansas missions has received $1,364. This special offering emphasis supports our Arkansas State Baptist cooperative work in ministries such as church planting, collegiate ministries, Church health and Evangelism training, child safety and abuse prevention training, pastoral and leadership training in multiple areas, disaster relief, Church Camps, and many others. While giving to the State Cooperative Program is part of our Church monthly budget, the annual Dixie Jackson offering provides a much-appreciated boost in finances, and hopefully in prayer and awareness. May the Lord continue to bless us as we serve Him together in our State.



Fall Festival is Saturday, October 21, 5-7 PM. Games, food, fun, hayride, pumpkin contest, costume contest (not scary), and more! Plan to attend, invite some friends, and we’ll see you there!



Pastor Appreciation Month: October is Pastor Appreciation month. We are taking up a love offering for Bro. Johny and Ms. Evelyn. We appreciate everything you do for our Church! If you would like to give an offering, there is an envelope in the bulletin. Write Pastor on the front and place it in one of the offering plates. You can also give online through the Church website.



The Finance and Budget Committee will meet 10-22-23 after church services to start work on the new church budget for 2024. If you are a chairperson of a committee and know of an area that needs addressed, please submit concerns/request, in writing, to Jane Kasiah. Thank You



ALL COMMITTEES: If you have not done so, please meet, elect a chairperson, and complete your Committee Form (see Lisa if you don’t have one). This is important! Thanks!



Rada Fundraiser: We are having a Rada fundraiser to help the Youth for camp. Please see Dennie Lawson for a book and order information.



May the Lord bless you for your prayers and for your faithful financial support of our Church Ministry. You can give your donations in your Sunday School Class, or put it in an offering plate (located at the four corners of the Sanctuary), or give online at the Church website. Go to www.hardinbaptistchurch.org, click the “Online Giving” tab, and fill in the form.



Sunday School: 65

Adult Worship: 86

Children’s Church: 9 Kids, 3 Workers

Wed. Nite Kids/Teens: 52 Kids and Youth, 25 Workers

Offering: $6,708.63


Church Information:

Hardin Baptist Church

300 Todd Lynn Drive

White Hall, AR 71602


Office hours 9-5, Mon-Fri

Church email: hardinbc@suddenlinkmail.com

Facebook: Hardin.Baptist

Church Website: www.HardinBaptistChurch.org

Pastor’s email: johnnyd.taylor@gmail.com



Sunday Morning Worship and Message: "Saved by Grace part 2"

Sunday worship and message, "Saved by Grace, part 2". Special music by Bro. Bob.




Sunday Worship and Message: "Saved by Grace, Lost"

Sunday morning worship and message, "Saved by Grace: Lost". Oct 1, 2023




HBC Update 9-14-23

HBC Update 9-14-23


I would have lost heart, unless I had believed That I would see the goodness of the LORD In the land of the living. Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD! (Psalm 27:13-14)


It is not just in Heaven, but here on earth that we will see the Lord answer prayers, keep His promises, bring mercy, grace, goodness and light to our lives. Though sometimes it can feel like hope is gone and evil has won, the Almighty reminds us that all good things happen in His perfect timing, and that our hope is in Him, not our circumstances.

Do not lose hope. Do not despair. Do not let the bad things of the world rob you of your joy, faith, and optimism. Keep looking to Him, waiting on Him, serving Him, and trusting Him.

You will find that simple act of faith will bolster your courage, strengthen your heart, and remind you that blessing is just around the corner… this side of Heaven.



Our dear Brother Frank Campbell went home to be with the Lord last Thursday. Please pray for Mary and the family during this difficult time.



Our Guest Speaker for this coming Sunday is Bro. Brandon Moore of the Collegiate ministry in Conway through our State Convention. He has served not only in our State Convention, but also as College and Career minister, Men Sharpening Men, Cross Church School of Ministry, and was a pitcher for the Milwaukee Brewers. We are grateful and blessed to have Bro. Brandon and his family with us. Be sure to make them feel welcome.



We are happy to welcome to our Church Family by baptism our new members.

Spencer and Shannon Covington, and Virginia McKee.

Thank God for continued growth.



Annual Fall Festival preparations are underway. It will be held on Saturday, October 21st

Financial donations are much appreciated. You may donate at the Church or online through the Church website. Contact Lisa White for more information.



Dixie Jackson Missions emphasis for Arkansas State missions month began last Sunday with a week of prayer. Please be generous with your prayers and financial support as we work together to build the Kingdom of God in our State. Our Church Goal is $2,500.



“Queen Esther” at the Sight and Sound Theater in Branson. Evelyn and I are going to see the show on Friday, October 13th if anyone would like to join us.

Dennie will be driving the Church Bus up Friday morning, we’ll see the show Friday afternoon, have a nice meal together, and spend the night in a hotel or condo, driving home Saturday.

If you would like to go, please contact Dennie or Lisa for more details. Be sure to make arrangements soon!



Church T-shirts will be ordered one more time if you would like one. Please contact Lisa at the office for prices and to order.



Red Hatters! Ladies, please join us for our next outing on Friday, Oct 6th. We will travel to Scott to eat at Scott Station. Be ready to board the bus at 10:00 am. If you plan to attend, contact Karen Kinkaid at 247-4497 or Linda Smith at 540-7618. Reservations are required due to seating.




Sunday School: 65

Adult Worship: 117

Children’s Church:  Kids,  Adults

Wed. Nite Kids/Teens: 64 Kids and Youth, 22 Workers

Offering: $5,440


Church Information:

Hardin Baptist Church

300 Todd Lynn Drive

White Hall, AR 71602


Office hours 9-5, Mon-Fri

Church email: hardinbc@suddenlinkmail.com

Facebook: Hardin.Baptist

Church Website: www.HardinBaptistChurch.org

Pastor’s email: johnnyd.taylor@gmail.com


Sunday Service: "Unity in the Church Ordinances", Lord's Supper, and Baptisms

Sunday morning worship and message, "Unity in the Church Ordinances". Also the Lord's Supper, and three baptisms.




Frank Campbell

Our dear Brother Frank Campbell went home to be with the Lord on Thursday. Please pray for Mary and the family during this difficult time.

Family Visitation will be Sunday, September 10th, 2-4PM at the Robinson-Fuller Funeral Chapel in White Hall. Funeral service will be Monday, 2:00 at Hardin Baptist Church with interment following at Hardin Cemetery.

More information can be found at the Robinson-Fuller Funeral Home website, https://www.rfwhitehall.com/



Sunday Morning Worship and Message: "I Choose You"

Sunday morning worship and message, "I Choose You". Almighty God chooses to be a God of love grace, and mercy. He chooses to offer us life in His great family. In response, we choose Him. God Bless




Sunday Worship and Message: Responsibilities and Blessings of Church Membership

Sunday morning worship and message, "Responsibilities and Blessings of Church Membership".




Sunday Worship and Message: I Saw the LORD

Sunday morning worship and message, "I Saw the Lord", from Isaiah 6. A new vision of the Lord and His glory will radically change our lives. May the Lord grant us to see Him high and lifted up.




HBC Update 8-18-23

HBC Update 8-18-23


And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen. (Matthew 28:18-20)


This is what we call the Great Commission, the last marching orders that the Lord Jesus gave His Church before He ascended to Heaven. This is what He expects us to be doing until He returns to call us all home.

We must remember that in all we do, in all we say, in all our programming, events, and operations, that the goal is today what it is always been – to lead people to be followers of Jesus Christ.

As I’ve said many times, we the Church are God’s Plan A, and He has no Plan B.

And what an honor and privilege, as well as duty and responsibility it is to serve our Lord in such a way as to bring Him much honor and glory, to serve and benefit our fellowman, and to do work of eternal value.

We will all receive our rewards some day in God’s good Heaven, and while we will wish we had done more for Him while we had the chance, we will still be thrilled to return all the praise and honor to Him while we worship in His Almighty Presence.


…"Worthy is the Lamb who was slain To receive power and riches and wisdom, And strength and honor and glory and blessing!" And every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying: "Blessing and honor and glory and power Be to Him who sits on the throne, And to the Lamb, forever and ever!" (Revelation 5:12-13)



Thank You to everyone who agreed to serve in the Church for the new Church year that starts September 1st. May the Lord richly bless us as we serve Him together.

(If you don’t have a place to serve yet, we’ll be looking to connect you very soon.)



Wednesday Night Kids and Teens begin this Wednesday at 6:30. Please be in prayer that the Lord will give us another great year with our precious young people.



Next Sunday (August 27th) is Promotion Day, when our kids who are moving up to another class will be recognized at the beginning of worship, and be shown their new Teachers and the Classrooms they will attend starting Sunday, September 3rd.



Prayers and sympathy for Bro. Monty Alison for the passing of his sister, and Bro. Ernie Medlin for the passing of his grandmother.



Welcome new members Airel, Hallie, and Chesney Baggett, and Chris Medlin who were all baptized last Sunday. What a blessing!



Thank you to those who attended Sr. Adult Revival last Monday through Wednesday. We had fifteen one day and nineteen another, and were all blessed by the meetings.



We will be making another Church T-Shirt order soon. If you would like one please call Lisa at the Church office for information.



School is back in session and we pray the Lord’s blessings on our kids and school personnel. Be sure to encourage the kids, and appreciate the school staff when you get an opportunity.



Your faithful support in prayers, attendance, service, and finances is very much appreciated. Thank You again to all who are willing to serve in whatever capacity the Lord leads. God bless you.




Sunday School: 69

Adult Worship: 138

Children’s Church: 11 Kids, 2 Adults

Wed. Nite Kids/Teens: Starts back this week.

Offering: $5,305


Church Information:

Hardin Baptist Church

300 Todd Lynn Drive

White Hall, AR 71602


Office hours 9-5, Mon-Fri

Church email: hardinbc@suddenlinkmail.com

Facebook: Hardin.Baptist

Church Website: www.HardinBaptistChurch.org

Pastor’s email: johnnyd.taylor@gmail.com



Sunday Worship and Message: "Your Spiritual Career part 3, Spiritual Education". And four Baptisms!

Sunday morning worship and message, "Your Spiritual Education", Teacher Appreciation Day, and baptism for a family of three, plus one. God bless.




Sunday Worship and Message: "Jesus Heals a Leper"

Sunday morning worship and message, "Clean! Jesus Heals a Leper". Special music by Bob M.




HBC Update 8-3-23

HBC Update 8-3-23


Will You not revive us again, That Your people may rejoice in You? Show us Your mercy, LORD, And grant us Your salvation. (Psalm 85:6-7)


We are all concerned about the state of our country and the world. But let us remember two things:

The Almighty God is still God, still in control, and still has His plans going His way in His time.

The only real solution to society’s ills is an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, genuine Revival.

And that’s where we come in.

Only the people of God can bring about revival. Only the people of God can pray for God to move in the hearts and lives of those around us. Only the people of God can be used of God for a moving of the Spirit.

Remember God’s promise from 2 Chronicles 7:14:


“If My people will humble themselves, and pray, and seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their land.”


May we be faithful to do our part, for we know our Lord will do His.



Harmony Baptist Association Invites you to our Senior Adult Revival August 7-9, 2023

Service Begin at 10:30 a. m. / Lunch served after service.


Speaker: Rudy Davis

Music: Jimmy Owen


Monday, August 7, 2023 at Whispering Pines Cowboy Church

6912 Old Warren Road, Pine Bluff


Tuesday, August 8, 2023 at Claud Road Baptist Church

1821 Claud Road, White Hall


Wednesday, August 9, 2023 at *Harmony Baptist Association Office

8869 Highway 79 South, Pine Bluff

Telephone: 870-534-1021

Website: harmonybaptistassociation.org

E-mail: elainehba@gmail.com pastormikemanning@hotmail.com


*NOTE: We will take our bus, leaving from the Church at 10:00 each morning.

Let’s go to REVIVAL Together!

~Bro. Johnny



VBS was a great success. We had about 42 kids each night, and almost that many workers (adults and teens).

We had two precious children come to Christ, and the kids raised $1,000 for school supplies for a couple of our local elementary school. It was an exhausting, but awesome week.

Thanks to everyone who worked to make it so.

A special thanks to Miss Evelyn, our VBS Director for the endless hours she spent making it special.



School starts back on Monday, August 14th. Please be careful as there will be kids and buses everywhere. And be careful to pray for our schools, all the kids, teachers, staff, and support for a blessed and safe school year.



Wednesday Night Kids and Teens will start back on August 23rd at 6:30.



It’s going to be a great year; I can feel it!

May the Lord bless us all as we serve Him together.


God Bless,

~Bro. Johnny


Church Information:

Hardin Baptist Church

300 Todd Lynn Drive

White Hall, AR 71602


Office hours 9-5, Mon-Fri

Church email: hardinbc@suddenlinkmail.com

Facebook: Hardin.Baptist

Church Website: www.HardinBaptistChurch.org

Pastor’s email: johnnyd.taylor@gmail.com


Sunday Worship and Message: Your Spiritual Career part 2, "In Your Church"

Sunday morning, VBS report and kids' presentation. Message, "Your Spiritual Career 2: In Your Church".




Sue Ray funeral service

Sister Sue Ray went home to be with the Lord this week. Please pray for the family during this difficult time.

There will be a graveside service Thursday, July 27, 11:00 at Hardin Cemetery.

For more information see Robinson & Fuller White Hall Chapel website (www.rfwhitehall.com)



Sunday Worship and Message: "Let the Little Children Come to Me"

Sunday morning worship and message, "Let the Little Children Come to Me". Why we have children's and youth ministries. VBS starts tonight.




VBS 2023 Child Registration Form

VBS 2023 Child Registration. Scan the QR code below. You will be sent to a google doc to complete the form.



Sunday Worship and Message: Your Spiritual Career part 1, Gifted

Sunday morning worship and message, "Your Spiritual Career, Gifted". Special music by Bro. Ernie.





HBC Update 7-14-23

HBC Update 7-14-23


Praise the LORD for His wonderful blessings!

This week was Church Camp week at Camp Siloam, and what a week it was.

We sent thirty-eight kids and six adult counselors to camp in three vans and two private vehicles.

This week fourteen young people were saved! Three more rededicated themselves to the Lord.

Now that’s why we do all we do for Church Camp fees.

Thank you to everyone who helped in any capacity to send our kids to Camp. God has blessed, and you have been part of something of eternal value.

Thanks most of all to our beloved Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May His (and our) Family continue to grow.


Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift! (2 Corinthians 9:15)



Vacation Bible School is just around the corner. Sunday through Thursday, July 23-27, 6:00-8:30 pm.

“Puzzling Pyramids” VBS will be the first VBS we’ve had since before the pandemic and we’re really excited to once again share the love of Jesus with the Children in our community.

Be sure to sign up to help; we need all hands on deck!

Contact Miss Evelyn at (501) 413-3966 (call or text), or catch her at Church and get involved. You WILL receive a blessing.

More information and a QR code for online registration of children can be found on our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/hardin.baptist) and the Church website (www.hardinbaptistchurch.org/). You can also get a paper one at the Church.

See ya there!




Sunday School: 56

Adult Worship: 134

Children’s Church: 10 Kids, 2 Adults

Wed. Nite Kids/Teens:  Out for the Summer

Offering: $4,832


Church Information:

Hardin Baptist Church

300 Todd Lynn Drive

White Hall, AR 71602


Office hours 9-5, Mon-Fri

Church email: hardinbc@suddenlinkmail.com

Facebook: Hardin.Baptist

Church Website: www.HardinBaptistChurch.org

Pastor’s email: johnnyd.taylor@gmail.com



Sunday Worship and Message: "When the Lord Calls" and Campers' Prayer

Sunday morning worship and message, "When the Lord Calls", five ways the Lord calls to every person. We closed with a prayer for our Church Camp youth and counselors.




Sunday Worship and Message: Hope for America

Sunday morning worship and message, "Hope for America". Special music by Bro. Joel Blackstock. July 2, 2023




Romans Road; How to Lead a Young Person to Christ

Here is a simple explanation of how to lead a person to Christ for salvation by explaining four verses of Scripture from the book of Romans.

God Bless,

~ Bro. Johnny




HBC Update 6-30-23

HBC Update 6-30-23


True Freedom


For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. (Romans 1:16)


We thank God for our country, for the amazing freedoms we enjoy as Americans, and for the great lifestyle that is available to everyone.


(By the way; If you don’t believe we live in a great and amazing country, just go to other places in the world and compare! You’ll be SO GLAD to get home to the U.S. and you’ll have a new and great appreciation for this country!)


Now, we have plenty of problems for sure, but we also have the freedom and resources to make a difference in our society.


But before we pin our hopes on politicians, policies, programs, and even grass-roots movements, let’s remember that the only source of genuine change in the hearts and souls of the American people is as it has always been, the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


It is the power of the Lord God Almighty through the salvation of a soul that transforms the way a person thinks, believes, and acts.


If we want a Christian Nation, then we must have a nation of Christians; there is simply no other way. Salvation by grace through faith has always been God’s Plan A, and He has no Plan B.


So we pray. We work. We live faithful, godly lives, and we share the love of Jesus with those around us.


Indeed, let that kind of freedom ring!


Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. (John 8:36)




VBS is coming soon!

July 23-27, Sunday through Thursday evenings, from 6:00 until 8:30. For kids going into grades 1st through 8th .

We’ll be having “Puzzling Pyramids, the story of Moses”.

We need lots of volunteers, happy faces, big smiles, willing hands, and hearts to share the love of Jesus with lots of kids.

There is a registration form on the Church website, and you can get a paper one at the Church.

There is also a running list of needed supplies in the bulletin every week, and of course, donations are appreciated.

We haven’t had a VBS for four years! Let’s make this a great one.


NOTE: T-shirts for Church and VBS are available. Orders must be made and paid for by this Sunday, July 2nd to ensure they arrive in time for Bible School.

See Miss Evelyn for details, or just go ahead and order yours from our Church Facebook page.



CHURCH CAMP Meeting this Sunday immediately following Worship. This will include Counsellor training on how to talk to a young person about salvation, as well as rides/seating arrangements, etc.


This training will also soon be posted as a video on our Church website. It’s good training for ALL Christians, including you!


REMEMBER: Our kids go to Church Camp NEXT WEEK! (July 10th thru 14th) Please be much in prayer for them and our Counsellors. This is a very important week in the life of our Church, and we are expecting the Almighty to do great things.


Our local association (Harmony Baptist Association) has a van we can use for Church Camp. This additional 12-passenger van will make it much easier to get everyone to Camp and back.

After all, we are sending thirty-eight Kids and six Counsellors! That’s a record for us; praise the Lord!



Sunday is “Patriotic Day” at the Church. Wear your red, white, and blue!



Tuesday is Independence Day. Let’s make the most of our God-given freedoms, and thank the Lord for the freedom that lasts forever.



WED: Monthly Business Meeting 6:30



Remember the Seven Activities of a Church Member:

Attend Worship.

Small Group: Get connected to a small group like Sunday School.

Serve: Find your place of ministry in the Church. We need everyone’s help.

Tithe: We all pull our weight.

Daily Devotion: Personal worship and time with your Lord.

Bring others: Who do you know that you can help bring to Christ and to Church?

Holiness: Live a Christian lifestyle.




Sunday School: 51

Adult Worship: 85

Children’s Church: 7 Kids, 2 Adults

Wed. Nite Kids/Teens:  Out for the Summer

Offering: $5,436.11


Church Information:

Hardin Baptist Church

300 Todd Lynn Drive

White Hall, AR 71602


Office hours 9-5, Mon-Fri

Church email: hardinbc@suddenlinkmail.com

Facebook: Hardin.Baptist

Church Website: www.HardinBaptistChurch.org

Pastor’s email: johnnyd.taylor@gmail.com

Faith of Abraham # 04: "Abraham's Lack of Faith: Identity"

Even Abraham struggled with his faith. But we, like him, choose to BE, not just DO.

God bless,

Bro. Johnny




Sunday Worship and Message: "Abraham and Isaac God will Provide a Lamb"

Sunday Worship and message, "God will Provide a Lamb". The testing of Abraham's faith holds many lessons for us, and precious insights into the Lord's crucifixion... atop the same hill.

God Bless,

Bro. Johnny




Faith of Abraham Lesson 03: "Altars part 2"

The importance and necessity of your own personal "altar", your private communion with and worship of your Lord, cannot be overstated. This is how you achieve mankind's greatest calling on earth: to be the Friend of God. God Bless, ~Bro. Johnny





Sunday Worship: "Our Almighty Father"

Sunday worship and message, "Our Almighty Father". Special music by Addy K. God bless, Happy Father's Day




Sunday Worship: Lord's Supper and Baptism

A great Sunday at Hardin. We celebrate the Lord's Supper, and then baptize a husband and wife together.




Family Life Center Celebration slideshow

FLC Celebration Day slideshow.





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Sunday Worship and Message: "How Great Thou Art"

Sunday worship and message, "How Great Thou Art". Family Life Center celebration day; it was PAID IN FULL after only nine years. God is good.




HBC Update 6-1-23

HBC Update 6-1-23

Bless the LORD, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name!
Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits: (Psalm 103:1-2)

We are so very grateful to the Lord our God for all His blessings on Hardin Baptist Church.
He has provided for us and kept us going through the pandemic.
Blessed us with good Sunday morning attendance (120-140 regularly)
Sent us a bunch of kids to minister to on Wednesday nights (around fifty kids and sixteen adult workers)
He has enabled us to completely pay off the Family Life Center loan in only nine years

And His blessings show no sign of stopping.
We will send a “bumper crop” of thirty-eight kids and six Counsellor to Church Camp on July 10-14
We’ll have our first Vacation Bible School since 2019 on July 23-27, 6-8:30 for Grades 1-8

Truly, it’s fitting for us to “Bless the Lord”!

Family Life Center Celebration:
Join us this Sunday for an after-Church celebration Potluck, Note-burning Party, and Presentation. Bring your favorite potluck food and plan to have lunch with all your Brothers and Sisters at Hardin. Drinks will be provided.

Baby Bottle Offering for HOPE of the Delta will continue to run through Father’s Day, June 18th. Fill a bottle with change, bills, and checks, or donate online through the Church website. What a great an effective ministry Hope has become; let’s bless them as they expand.

School is Out for the Summer! All the kids are excited, vacations are being planned, the weather is great, and we all look forward to a fantastic summer. Please be extra careful driving since kids will be out and about.
Congratulations to all who successfully completed their year’s schooling, and also to all the wonderful Teachers and Staff who work so hard to make our Public Education System a true blessing to the children of our community.

Red hatters: Lady Bird Café, Friday, June 23rd. Leave the church at 11am to travel to Sheridan. Contact Karen Kinkaid 870.247-4487 or Linda Smith 870.540-7618 if you plan to attend.

VBS is scheduled for July 23-27, Sunday through Thursday evenings, from 6:00 until 8:30. For kids going into grades 1st through 8th . Work and preparation is already underway, and a lot of help is needed. Contact Miss Evelyn to sign up, and let’s plan on a fantastic VBS! As always, donations are very much appreciated.

We will observe the Lord’s Supper on Sunday morning, June 11th. Please join us at the Lord’s table as we do this “In Remembrance” of our Savior.

The monthly day of Prayer and Fasting is Wednesday, June 14th, a day to spend extra time with the Lord and sacrifice a common pleasure to focus on Him instead.

Sunday School: 53
Adult Worship: 86
Children’s Church: 8 Kids, 2 Adults
Wed. Nite Kids/Teens: 52 Kids, 15 Workers
Offering: $6,865

Church Information:
Hardin Baptist Church
300 Todd Lynn Drive
White Hall, AR 71602

Office hours 9-5, Mon-Fri
Church email: hardinbc@suddenlinkmail.com
Facebook: Hardin.Baptist
Church Website: www.HardinBaptistChurch.org
Pastor’s email: johnnyd.taylor@gmail.com

Sunday Worship and Message: "Some Gave All"

Memorial Day Weekend. Message on the 70 million Christian martyrs that were killed for their faith in Christ since Bible times. Honoring our fallen soldiers with video and "Taps". by Aubrey L., and special music by Bro. Bob M.




Faith of Abraham: "Altars" part 1

Faith of Abraham: "Altars" part 1

The importance of altars in your life, what they are, what they're for, and how to use them in your life.




Sunday Worship and Message: "Your Future Calls"

Honoring our Graduates, and message, "Your Future Calls". Special music by Addy K.




HBC Update 5-19-23

HBC Update 5-19-23


But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. (Matt 6:17-18)


Last Wednesday was our Monthly day of Prayer and Fasting, but you can do it anytime. We’re all busy, but what can we give up from our schedule and spend time with the Lord instead? Is it lunchtime? Surfing the internet? An hour of sleep? The point of fasting is to show the Lord that fellowship with Him is more important than our daily activities. It also strengthens our self-discipline, and that’s a good thing.

So what can you give up this week to focus more on the Lord Jesus Christ and your relationship with Him? He is worth it.



Congratulations to our 2023 High School Graduates:

Alyssa Amerson

Kathryn Brewer

Hunner Freeman


Tonight is Graduation at the White Hall Football Field. We are so proud of our Graduates and pray the Lord’s richest blessings on them as they start this new chapter of their lives.



Our annual Car show is tomorrow (5-20-23) from 10am until 1pm. Cool autos, food, fun, and bake sale. It’s always a fun event; see ya there!

Proceeds go to Church Camp.



VBS is scheduled for July 23-27. There will be a short VBS meeting after worship this Sunday for all interested in helping. Plan on being involved in our VBS. It’s a great way to reach and teach the kids, and we haven’t had one in a few years. Let’s all pitch in to make this one great.

See Miss Evelyn for more information.



Hallelujah! Our Family Life Center is paid off after only eight or nine years! We will have a Celebration, Sunday afternoon, June 4th Potluck lunch after Worship.



Annual Baby Bottle Offering for “HOPE of the Delta”, our local crisis pregnancy center, will run from Mothers’ Day through Fathers’ Day. Take a bottle, fill it with coins, bills, and checks, and bring it back to Church. You can also mail it in, drop it off at the Church office during regular business hours (9-5, Mon-Fri).

God Bless you for supporting the most innocent and helpless of us all.



AED’s: We now have two Defibrillators ready for service if needed. They are located at the back of the Sanctuary by the Fire Extinguisher, and at the Family Life Center near the Fire Extinguisher.

Thank You! To all helped make this happen.



Remember the Seven Activities of a Church Member:

Attend Worship.

Small Group: Get connected to a small group like Sunday School.

Serve: Find your place of ministry in the Church. We need everyone’s help.

Tithe: We all pull our weight.

Daily Devotion: Personal worship and time with your Lord.

Bring others: Who do you know that you can help bring to Christ and to Church?

Holiness: Live a Christian lifestyle.




Sunday School: 66

Worship: 179

Children’s Church:

Wed. Nite Kids/Teens: 49 Kids, 16 Workers

Offering: $6,865



Congratulations Graduates

Congratulations to our High School Graduates!
Alyssa Amerson
Kathryn Brewer
Hunner Freeman
May the Lord richly bless you as you begin the next chapter of your lives.
God Bless, all our Prayers. We're so proud of you!

Sunday Worship and Message: Mothers' Day, "Marriage"

Mothers' Day worship and message, "Marriage", May 14, 2023. Special music by Edie.




Sunday worship and Message: "Be Gracious"

Sunday morning worship and message, "Be Gracious". May 7, 2023.




HBC Update 5-4-23

HBC Update 5-4-23


Her children rise up and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praises her: "Many daughters have done well, But you excel them all." Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands, And let her own works praise her in the gates. (Proverbs 31:28-31)


Next Sunday, May 14th, is Mothers day.

            How can we thank God enough for the amazing Christian Ladies in our lives? These blessed souls carried us close to their heart for nine months, nurtured, fed, and loved us, and helped us learn how to live in the world.

I’ve said it before and it’s still true today, that the greatest expression of the Love of God on earth is the love of a Mother. And we have all had other great ladies in our lives that have invested in our raising, and helped us in innumerable ways.

So to our moms, grandmothers, aunts, Church ladies, teachers, and all the other women God has blessed us with, we all want to say THANK YOU, may God bless you, and we appreciate you more than words can say.

We all rise up and call you “Blessed”.

God bless,

Happy Mothers Day




Congratulations to our 2023 High School Graduates:

Alyssa Amerson

Kathryn Brewer

Hunner Freeman



New Member information:

Melinda Blevins, 1101 Robin Rd, White Hall, AR 71602. (870) 692-8858

Gage White, i/c of Lisa White, 11547 Dogwood Forest Drive, Pine Bluff, AR, 71603



Yard Sale total: about $4,900

Thank You! This is an eternal investment in the lives and souls of our precious young people. Begin now to pray for a great Camp in July at Siloam Springs.

Ps: Leftover yard sale stuff was donated to Kathy’s Closet in Sheridan, and Salvation Army in Pine Bluff.



AED’s: We now have two Defibrillators ready for service if needed. They are located at the back of the Sanctuary by the Fire Extinguisher, and at the Family Life Center near the Fire Extinguisher.

Thank You! To all helped make this happen.




The final payment for the Family Life Center loan was made on May 1st. We started in the spring of 2014, and the Lord (and His people) have abundantly blessed!

Praise the Lord, and thanks to His people for your faithfulness in giving to this fund.


Ps: We will celebrate this great blessing on Sunday, June 4th.



Car Show:  Our Annual Classic and Antique Car Show, Saturday, May 20th, from 10:00 am until 1:00 pm. Concessions, Bake Sale, Free to show (no entry fee, donations appreciated), Trophies awarded for People’s Choice and 1st-3rd Place.

For more information contact Paul Howard (870) 247-1258, Frank Campbell (870) 489-0114, or Wes Shnaekel (870) 918-2002.



Remember our Mission Statement: To love and serve the Lord, our fellowman, and one another, and to be a Church for Faith and Family.



Remember the Seven Activities of a Church Member:

Attend Worship.

Small Group: Get connected to a small group like Sunday School.

Serve: Find your place of ministry in the Church. We need everyone’s help.

Tithe: We all pull our weight.

Daily Devotion: Personal worship and time with your Lord.

Bring others: Who do you know that you can help bring to Christ and to Church?

Holiness: Live a Christian lifestyle.




Sunday School: 66

Worship: 123

Children’s Church: None, 5th Sunday

Wed. Nite Kids/Teens: 40 Kids, 16 Workers

Offering: $5,765



Sunday Worship and Message: "Faith Fundamentals", and a baptism

Sunday worship and message, "Faith Fundamentals", followed by the baptism of two into our Church Family. April 23, 2023.




Sunday Worship and Message: "Because He Lives" Easter 04 09 23

Easter Sunday Worship and Message, "Because He Lives". Special music by our Youth Praise Band.




From the Cross to Heaven's Temple: Good Friday message

Today is Good Friday, the day we commemorate the Lord's death on the cross.


(Excerpt from “For the Love of GOD: His Heart, Our Purpose”)


Wood creaked, tendons popped, raspy lungs filled with air, and the Lamb of God pushed against the nails and lifted Himself up on the cruel cross one last time.

“IT IS FINISHED! He cried in triumph.


And when Jesus had cried out with a loud voice, He said, “Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit.” Having said this, He breathed His last. (Luke 23:46)


This day, in the realms of time and eternity, our Savior will go where no one else on earth or in Heaven can go, and will do for us what no one else can do. He is our High Priest, and this is our Day of Atonement.

He sacrifices Himself on the all-consuming altar of the cross, for He is Christ our Sacrifice.

From His spear-pierced side flows water as well as blood for He is Christ our Sanctification, our Living Water.

Passing through the Holy Tabernacle of His life and ministry, He is the golden lampstand, Christ our Light.

Like showbread, He is our Bread of Life, and as incense, He is our Intercessor, the Mediator of the New Testament.

He is also the Veil, the Way into the Presence of the Father for us.

So in His final act of ultimate sacrifice, Christ tears Himself away from His body, and sends His Spirit Godward.


Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split…

(Matthew 27:51)


Yonder in the portals of glory myriad legions of holy Cherubim with gazes fixed on their Lord of Hosts, finally hear the word they have been longing to hear from the Father.


Instantly they spread their wings, leap from Heaven’s precipice, and cascade downward in a celestial waterfall toward that wretched hill.

Their King is coming Home.

Like guided missiles they plummet through the sky, bearing down on the awful scene, guided by the brilliant Light of the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, now separated from His body.

In a holy hurricane of glory, they swarm around him, scattering darkness and sending demons scurrying for cover. Billowing clouds of His faithful ministers hail the conquering King, the Lord of Hosts, and prepare to act as escort for the triumphal entry of the Spirit of Jesus into Heaven.

Through the sky above Jerusalem they escort Him, beyond the sun and stars they go, to the Celestial City they accompany Him. Up the sides of the Holy Mountain of fire they shout His return, and into the very Temple of Heaven itself they announce His arrival.

There is Jehovah the One True God, sitting upon the Throne, high and lifted up. Surrounded by an emerald rainbow, He is attended by the billowing clouds of a hundred million angels shouting “Holy! Holy! Holy! Lord God Almighty!”

And there now stands the Son, Beloved of the Father, the very Heart of Heaven. He has finished the godly task and completed the work His Father had set before Him. He has drained the Cup, paid the ultimate price, and claimed the ultimate victory.

How true ring the words of Heaven’s fantastic creatures in their adoration of this Christ, our Savior:


“…Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom, and strength and honor and glory and blessing!”

(Revelation 5:12…)


But even now, in this moment of glory and triumph, His thoughts and actions are not for Himself, for He has Priestly work, intercessory work to perform.


For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands…but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us… (Hebrews 9:24)


It is there in the true Holy of Holies, before the real Mercy Seat, under the radiant gaze of His loving Father, that Christ presents His offering.


Not with the blood of goats and calves, but with His own blood He entered the Most Holy Place once for all…who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God… (Hebrews 9:12, 14)


Blood of Man, blood of God, blood of Heaven, is presented in Heaven for us by our High Priest for God’s consideration.

We the fallen, hold our breath.

Will God accept our High Priest? Will He accept the Sacrifice? Will it be presented well enough; will it be good enough; will it be enough? Will atonement be made and accepted that our sins be forgiven?

The Ancient of Days gathers Himself in clouds of celestial glory, amid the Mercy Seat of His Throne, attended by innumerable angels. He looks upon our High Priest standing before Him in perfect righteousness, and examines the Blood of the Sacrifice, Blood of Christ.

And He is satisfied!

Christ our High Priest is accepted, His intercession effective, the Blood of the Lamb is found to be more than sufficient for the forgiveness and cleansing of all sin.

God is well please, our sins are forgiven, and it is forever well with our souls.

And so, with the piercing of His side, and the tearing of the Veil of His flesh, the Way into the Holy of Holies is thrown open wide for us.



Scripture References:

John 14:6, 19:34-35

Hebrews 4:14, 9:12, 14, 24, 10:19-23

Luke 23:46

Matthew 27:51

Isaiah 6:1-4

Revelation 5:12



Sunday Worship and Message: "Nailed to the Cross"

Sunday morning worship and message, "Nailed to the Cross". Special music by Jane K. April 2, 2023.




Sunday Worship and Message: "Balance for a Busy Life"

Sunday morning worship and message, "Balance for a Busy Life". Special music by Bro. Bob Montgomery. March 12, 2023.




Sunday Worship and Message: "You MUST be Born Again"

Sunday morning worship and message, "You MUST be Born Again" from John chapter 3. March 5, 2023. "Radiant Girls' Camp" report by Danni Owings. Worship leader, Ernie Medlin Pastor, Johnny Taylor




Rich Bridges


Rich Bridges

Our dear brother Rich went home to be with the Lord Tuesday, February 28th, 2023.

Services will be Saturday, March 4, 2023.

Family visitation will be 1:30-2:30 at Ralph Robinson and Son Chapel on Cherry Street in Pine Bluff.

Funeral Service will be at 2:30.

For more information visit https://www.ralphrobinsonandson.com/

Please pray for the family during this very difficult time.



Sunday Worship: "Baptism and Church Membership"

Sunday morning worship and message, "Water Baptism and Church Membership". Special music by Children's Church, and Alyssa A. January 29, 2023.




Sunday Worship and Message: "Sanctity of Human Life"

Sunday morning worship and message, "The Sanctity of Human Life: A God for all Generations". Special music by Tana P. Jan 22, 2023.




Inclement Weather Policy

Inclement weather policy: If Church Service is cancelled due to weather, the decision will be made by 7:30 on Sunday morning,and by 4:00 on Wednesday afternoon.


Sunday Morning Worship and Message: Christians' Future: The Second Coming of Jesus Christ

Sunday morning worship and message: The Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Special music by Addy K.




Morning Worship and Message: Saved and Sure

Sunday morning worship and message, "Saved and Sure". August 7, 2022.



Church Phone Number Change

Due to difficulties with the Church phones and the telephone company, the Church phone numbers are no longer valid.

Please call Secretary LIsa Silvey directly at (870) 692-0394, or Pastor Johnny Taylor at (501) 413-3966 until further notice.



  October 2024  
Bible Search

White Hall, Arkansas

Expect showers late Saturday night


86° 58°


Feels Like: 87°
Humidity: 20%
Wind: 8 MPH

88 58

88 61

89 59
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