Welcome to Hardin Baptist Church
We're glad you're here!
Sunday School 10:00
Morning Worship 11:00
Children's Church 11:00
Wednesday Night Kids and Teens 6:30
Mid-week Bible Study Wednesday 6:30
Sunday Worship: "Temptation 3: Christ Our Example"
Christ is our example for dealing with temptation. Here is how He won the victory and so can we. Special music by Dennis R. And a wonderful baptism of a dear couple.
Sunday Worship: Temptation 2, The Cost of Sin
We all struggle with our "easily ensnaring sin" (Heb 12 1-4). We must understand and preempt the triggers, and restore the horror of what it cost the Lord. Special music by Addy K.
Sunday Worship: "Common Temptation" part 1
We desire to be better Christians yet we all struggle with temptation. Here is our Faith and God's promises from 1 Corinthians 10:13. God Bless.
HBC Update 3-7-25
HBC Update 3-7-25
For lo, the winter is past, The rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; The time of singing has come, And the voice of the turtledove Is heard in our land. (Song of Songs 2:11-12 NKJV)
Springtime in Arkansas can be tumultuous with severe weather, but I’m still glad that wintertime is basically over.
The Lord God knows what He’s doing with the changing of the seasons, including freezing, ice, snow, and all that winter brings.
But I still love the springtime. The first blush of tiny flowers in the yard, the swollen buds on the trees, and return of some songbirds… these make me giddy with joy. Early signs of spring in the earth remind me of early signs of faith and victory that sometime spring up in our hearts. There are sometimes long winters of the soul, issues that are unpleasant, or worse. But when the Lord answers those long-spoken prayers, when He turns the tide, when He brings blessing and hope and joy, it’s like early spring in our hearts and souls.
So, for the springtime of the soul we are giddy with gratitude, no matter what time of year it is. God bless, ~Bro. Johnny
Time change: Remember to set your clock FORWARD one hour Saturday night
Choir: We are excited to have our Choir back! We have over fifteen in our choir, and room for you as well. Bro. Dennis Reaves is doing a great job leading us. Come join us in praising the Lord together. Choir practice is 4:00 on Sunday afternoons.
Senior Saints Bingo: Monday, March 17th, at 12:30 we will meet in the old Fellowship Hall for another fun time of bingo and lunch. See Cookie Taylor for details
Wednesday Night Adult Prayer and Bible Study starts back this week. We will meet at 6:00 instead of 6:30 as previously.
Churchwide Indoor Yard Sale for Camp will be April 3rd through 5th.
Thu, April 3rd: Early Bird Pre-Sale, $5 Entry fee. 3:00-7:00pm.
Fri and Sat: 7:00am until—
To donate items call:
SHELLY (870) 692-7282
DENNIE (870) 692-2556
LEANNE (870) 718-8283
We always have a gym full of goodies! Come out and shop. All proceeds go to send our Kids and Youth to Church Camp this Summer.
Our Annual Easter Egg Hunt is set for Saturday, April 19th, 10:00-Noon. As always we need LOTS OF CANDY to stuff the eggs with (please no chocolate, it melts!). There are donation boxes at the Church house. Monetary donations are welcomed as well.
Sunday School: 77
Adult Worship: 110
Nursery: Children, 1 Workers 4
Children’s Church: 10 Children, 2 Worker
Wed. Nite Kids/Teens: 53 Kids, 16 Workers
Church Information:
Hardin Baptist Church
300 Todd Lynn Drive
White Hall, AR 71602
Office hours 9-5, Mon-Fri
Church Phone: (870) 380-0166
Church email: HardinBC@Outlook.com
Facebook: Hardin.Baptist
Church Website: www.HardinBaptistChurch.org
Pastor’s email: johnnyd.taylor@gmail.com
Sunday Worship: "Strengthen Yourself"
When you're in trouble and it feels like there is no hope, you can quit, or you can do as David and strengthen yourself in the LORD. Here are the six steps. Special music by Tana P.
Sunday Worship: "The Gospel of Christ"
The Gospel is truly Good News. Here's how to know for certain that you are on the way to Heaven. God Bless
Inclement Weather Reminder
REMINDER: INCLEMENT WEATHER. If services are canceled, the decision will be made by 4:00 on Wednesdays and by 7:30 on Sunday mornings. Posted on the church website (www.hardinbaptistchurch.org), on Facebook (Hardin.Baptist), and on KARK television stations.
Sunday Worship: "God Does His Will and None Can Stop Him"
God is still Almighty and in control of all things, including you. Special music by Dennis R.
Sunday Worship: "Pray the Lord of the Harvest to Send Laborers"
Christ looked at people with compassion and love. He calls us to do the same. Special music by Heather S. ~God Bless, Bro. Johnny
Business Meeting Postoned a Week
Regularly monthly Business Meeting has been postponed for one week from Wednesday, Feb 5th, to Wednesday, February 12th.
Sunday Worship: Banquet in Our Father's Kingdom
Our God is a God of hope no matter how dark the situation. Even at the Last Supper Christ promised us a future banquet at our Father's house.
Staff Appreciation Month
February is STAFF APPRECIATION MONTH, an opportunity for us to show our appreciation to our Church employees: Church Secretary Lisa Silvey, FLC Custodian Dennie Lawson, and Interim Worship Leader Dennis Reaves. Let’s let them know we’re thankful for them and the work they do for our Church.
Donate at church or online through the Online Giving tab above
Sunday Worship: "Peace! Be Still"
The storms of life aren't always what they seem, but the Lord speaks peace to all who choose faith over fear.
Starting Church Choir
Let's start a Church Choir! Anyone interested in singing in the choir please meet this Sunday morning after worship at the front of the sanctuary with Bro. Dennis. You don't have to know how to read music, just have a heart for singing and worshipping our Lord. See you there!
Senior Saints Soup and Bingo
Senior Saints Soup and Bingo. Friday, January 31st, 1:00 pm, in the old Fellowship Hall. Come out and join us for a time of good food, fellowship, and fun! See Cookie Taylor for more information.
Sunday Worship, "Pressing Forward 2: Apprehended"
The Lord God pursued you and paid an infinite price for you. And He "apprehended" you for a high calling, an extraordinary life for you to "apprehend". Special music by Alyssa A. ~God Bless, Bro. Johnny
Sam Dockery
Our sympathies and prayers go out to the family of Bro. Sam Dockery who went home to be with the Lord on Friday. Please be in prayer for the family.
Services will be held Saturday morning, January 25th at Hardin Baptist Church. Family visitation will be at 10:30 and memorial service at 11:00.
Sunday Worship: Pressing Forward, Priorities
A new year is a great time to examine your life and plan your future. But you really need to know the "perfect will of God". Special music by Heather S.
Sunday Worship: The Cleft of the Rock
Only in the heart of God is there protection from both our sin and His holiness, not only for Moses but for Believers in Christ as well. Special music by Tana P.
Sunday Worship: The Christmas Story in Scripture and Song
Carols, soloists, and Scripture readings make for a warm, traditional Christmas story. God bless and Merry Christmas
HBC Update 12-19-24
HBC Update 12-19-24
And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. (Luke 2:8-14
Have a safe, joyous, and Merry CHRISTmas!
Sympathies and prayers go out for Sis. Evelyn Taylor for the loss of her brother, Tommy Herring. Please pray for her and the family during this difficult time.
This Sunday we will have “The Christmas Story in Scripture and Song” for our Worship service.
No Children’s Church this Sunday, so they can help us sing!
No Children’s Church next Sunday either (12-29-24) since it is a “5th Sunday”.
Wednesday Night Kids/Teens had a good Christmas party on the 18th, including a visit from Santa.
A big THANK YOU to all our great Adult Leaders and Teachers! You do a fantastic job sharing the love of Jesus with these precious young souls the Lord has given us access to. God Bless You!
No Wednesday night services for Adult Prayer and Bible Study until January 8th Business Meeting.
Sunday School: 78
Adult Worship: 124
Nursery: 2 Children, 3 Workers
Children’s Church: 5 Children, 1 Worker
Wed. Nite Kids/Teens: 46 Kids, 22 Workers
Church Information:
Hardin Baptist Church
300 Todd Lynn Drive
White Hall, AR 71602
Office hours 9-5, Mon-Fri
Church Phone: (870) 380-0166
Church email: HardinBC@Outlook.com
Facebook: Hardin.Baptist
Church Website: www.HardinBaptistChurch.org
Pastor’s email: johnnyd.taylor@gmail.com
Sunday Worship: "The Writing on the Wall"
To be weighed in the scales of the Almighty and be found lacking is a terrible and tragic state. Thank God for Christ who tips the scales in our favor. God Bless, Bro. Johnny
HBC Update 11-26-24
HBC Update 11-26-24
Bless the LORD, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies, Who satisfies your mouth with good things, So that your youth is renewed like the eagle's. (Psalm 103:1-5)
Happy Thanksgiving! We have so very much to be thankful for, and a wonderful God and Savior who deserves all our gratitude, thanksgiving, worship, and praise.
Thank God for His endless blessings.
God Bless,
Bro. Johnny
This Sunday (Dec. 1st) begins our Lottie Moon month of prayer and giving for international missions. Our standing orders are to carry the Gospel of Christ to every corner of the world, to all those billions for whom Christ died, was buried, and rose again. Let’s all do all we can to help others know and love the same Savior that we do.
Our Youth Pastor search has begun. God has blessed us with the ability to seek a full-time Youth Pastor to minister to our large and growing congregation of children, youth, and their families. Please pray that the process will lead us to the right man for the job, the man of the Lord’s choosing.
Tomorrow night (Wednesday, Nov 27th) there is no Wednesday Night Kids/Teens due to Thanksgiving holiday.
Wednesday night Adult Bible Study and Prayer is suspended until further notice, except for Regular Monthly Business Meeting.
Inclement Weather Policy: If there is a cancellation of services due to weather, the announcement will be made by 7:30 on Sunday morning, and by 4:00 on Wednesday evening. You can check the Church website or Facebook for the announcement.
Sunday School: 62
Adult Worship: 95
Nursery: 1 Children, 1 Workers
Wed. Nite Kids/Teens: 49 Kids, 19 Workers
Church Information:
Hardin Baptist Church
300 Todd Lynn Drive
White Hall, AR 71602
Office hours 9-5, Mon-Fri
Church Phone: (870) 380-0166
Church email: HardinBC@Outlook.com
Facebook: Hardin.Baptist
Church Website: www.HardinBaptistChurch.org
Pastor’s email: johnnyd.taylor@gmail.com
Inclement Weather Policy: If Church Service is canceled due to weather, the decision will be made by 7:30 on Sunday morning, and by 4:00 on Wednesday afternoon.
Keys to Revelation part 5
Chapters 18-22 overview. Millennial reign, final judgment, eternal state, and one last invitation. It's been a great series; hope you enjoy it! God Bless, ~Johnny
Sunday Worship: "God's Word of Guidance"
God's Word not only tells us how things are, but also shows us the way in real time. Here's how the Holy Spirit guides us. Special music by Edie J., and a baptism!
Keys to Revelation part 4: Chapters 13 thru 17
The Antichrist, the last seven plagues, and the fall of Babylon.
Sunday Worship: God's Word of Creation
God's Word determines what does and does not exist. If God said it, it cannot be otherwise. This is the foundation and strengthening of our faith. Special music by Tana P. Three come forward to join the Church, and we have a Baby Dedication. It's a good day at Hardin! God bless.
Keys to Revelation part 3, Chapters 10-12
A New Prophecy, the Two Witnesses, and Signs in the Heavens.
Sunday Worship: "Volunteer Appreciation Day"
Your service for the Lord through His Church is a great blessing to your fellow Christians, and to the Lord Himself. God Bless you! Special music by Dennis R.
Keys to Revelation part 2, Chapters 6-9
For the peoples of the earth, spiritual salvation and physical martyrdom. For the 144,000 sealed Jews, salvation and protection. For the planet there is devastation on a cosmic scale, and for the unbelieving, there is still unrepentence, wickedness, and the wrath of God. Thank God, I plan to be with Jesus in Heaven. God bless, Johnny
Sunday Worship: "Restitution"
Doing the right thing as a Christian includes paying your debts, even the personal, and emotional ones. Who do you owe an apology to? Do you have the integrity to make things right? Special music by Edie J.
Keys to Understanding the Book of Revelation
Revelation makes a lot more sense when you understand a few simple keys. First in a video series.
Sunday Worship: "Who Will Pray for Them?"
There are those in your world for whom nobody prays. God who has blessed you has called you to "stand in the gap" for their souls. Tag! Your turn. Special music by Bob M. God bless, ~Johnny
Sunday Worship: "The Crucifixion of Christ"
The Lord Jesus Christ endured the worst possible physical suffering when He was scourged and crucified. In the eyes of God who held the hammer?
Sunday Morning Worship and Message: "Bruised Reeds and Smoking Flax"
Sunday morning worship and message, "Bruised Reeds and Smoking Flax", how Christ encourages the burdened and empowers the zealous. God Bless
Sunday Worship and Message: Responsibilities and Blessings of Church Membership
Sunday morning worship and message, "Responsibilities and Blessings of Church Membership".
Romans Road; How to Lead a Young Person to Christ
Here is a simple explanation of how to lead a person to Christ for salvation by explaining four verses of Scripture from the book of Romans.
God Bless,
~ Bro. Johnny
Family Life Center Celebration slideshow
FLC Celebration Day slideshow.
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White Hall, Arkansas
Thunderstorms Saturday
85° 57°
Mostly sunny
Feels Like: 82°Humidity: 28%
Wind: 3 MPH